Starting primary school is an important transition for children and young people with SEND and their families. Our transition pathway, which describes our role in the process is here:
Starting secondary school and leaving school to progress to education, training or employment at 16 or 18 are important transition points for children and young people with SEND and their families. Achieving for Children provides help and support with the process of Preparing for Adulthood as part of their local offer. You can find out more here:
If your child has an EHCP their link therapist will work with school staff to support them through these points of transition. Our transition pathways, which describe our role in the process are here:
Post 16 and 18 specialist settings:
Action for Kids. Acton for kids is a charity that helps young people with physical and learning disabilities across the country find greater levels of independence and opportunity through the provision of mobility aids, employability training and family support.
Always look on the Bright Side of Life Charitable Trust. Grants to make children smile. The trust awards one off grants to children in need for activities/ items (not household)/trips that children’s families are unable to afford. The child must be disadvantaged due to financial circumstances, disability/ill health or other category.
Boparan Charitable Trust. The Boparan Charitable Trust aims to help children and young people up to the age of 18, throughout the UK, who are disadvantaged either through poverty, disability or life-limiting conditions.
Bruce Wake Charitable Trust. Equipment for leisure/activities for physically disabled wheelchair users. Applications on behalf of individuals will only be accepted through a charitable organisation or equivalent recognised body.
Cash for Kids. Cash for Kids is Bauer Radio’s network of local charities, which operate across 22 areas around the UK. Our mission is to respond to the needs of children in our communities, and we aspire to enable all children to live life to the full and achieve their individual potential.
Cauldwell Children. Offers a range of support to children with disabilities including family support, short breaks equipment, treatment and therapies. You can apply direct and the process is straightforward.
Children Today. Children today encourage applicants, usually parents, to come to them for funding and other services on a regular basis as their child’s needs change. Hopefully, this will continue as they grow and develop, gaining more independence and an improving quality of life that is also shared by all those around them. They will continue receiving support until the child reaches the age of 25 years.
Cerebra. Cerebra is a unique national charity that strives to improve the lives of children with neurological conditions, through research, information and direct, on-going support.
Disability Grants. Disability Grants is a web resource which has been set up for people with disabilities and for parents/carers of disabled people. There is a wealth of information on this site to help you find suitable funding, including blogs and forums to help you get a heads up from others who have gone through this process.
Dreams Come True. Dreams Come True is a UK children’s charity. Their mission is to enrich the lives of children and young people with serious and life-limiting conditions across the country by making their dreams come true. Over the last 25 years they have fulfilled dreams for more than 5,000 children and young people as well as their friends, family and carers.
Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust. The Florence Nightingale Aid in Sickness Trust provides life enhancing grants to help people of all ages in need who are ill, convalescent or disabled.
Family Fund. Will look at any grant request that relates to the needs of a disabled or seriously ill child, young person and their family. If you are raising a disabled or seriously ill child, the family fund may be able to help with a grant for household items, equipment, sensory toys, a family break or something to help with college for 16/17 year olds. You can apply as a parent carer, or agencies can apply on their behalf.
Happy Days Children's Charity. The charity supports families with children aged 3-17 who have learning difficulties, physical or mental disabilities, acute, chronic or life limiting illnesses, been abused or neglected, witnessed domestic violence, been bereaved or act as carers for a parent or a sibling. Eligible applicants can apply for the costs of the following activities: Day trips/theatre trips/theatre workshops and group activity holidays.
Just 4 Children. Just 4 Children is passionate about the relief of sickness and prevention of health of children in the UK and Ireland by providing and assisting in the provision of grants to enable them to obtain medical treatment, therapies, living environments, equipment and holidays which would not otherwise be available to them.
Local Funders. There are a number of local funders such as Richmond Parish Lands Charity, Hampton Fuel Allotments and Barnes Workhouse Fund that offer grants to individuals and families particularly in relation to fuel grants, white goods and other household equipment and education. For a full list of the local funders
Newlife Charity. Newlife is the UK's largest charity funder of children's specialist disability equipment. We also run the UK's only national emergency equipment service, for terminally ill children. Newlife Nurses support thousands of families, we campaign for policy change and we fund targeted medical research, to improve child health. The Family Holiday Association (FHA). Supports families on a low income, that have not been on holiday for the past four years and have at least one child between three and 18 years of age can obtain financial support for a break during 2016 and 2017. The FHA can only accept applications from referring agents (such as a teacher, social worker or health visitor, etc) and not directly from families. The website also has a great resource page which lists other charities and trusts that can support holidays and short breaks
The Henry Smith Charity (Richmond). People experiencing hardship or distress who live in Richmond, Ham, Petersham or Kew. Applications in writing from referring bodies such as citizen advice and social services.
Tree of Hope. Tree of hope is the crowdfunding charity that helps children and young people with a disability or illness by supporting their families to raise the money they need to pay for specialist care that is not freely available through the UK healthcare system.
Turn2us. A fantastic website that offers help and information for anyone experiencing financial hardship or debt problems, or who is looking for funding to support an individual need within the family such as a short break. It has a grant and benefits search engine which can be tailored to meet your requirements including locality, and a phone helpline that is free to call and gives you access to trained staff who can talk you through your options. The service is available to individuals and organisations acting on their behalf.
Whizz-Kidz. This charity provide equipment, support and life skills for disabled children. Creating independence to live a life of freedom at home, at school and at play and the independence to be themselves.
Visit the website for a list of all the events, activities, talks, workshops, clinic & therapies they have coming up.
Richmond Parent Carer Forum (PCF)
Richmond PCF is offering virtual drop in sessions for parents of children 0-5 years who are concerned about their child’s progress and would like support from other parents.
- Whizz Kids - provide equipment, support and life skills for disabled children.
- Companion Cycling in Bushy Park – Based in bushy park this group run inclusive cycling session for all ages and levels of ability
- Riding for the Disabled Association – A national group for inclusive horse riding
- Park Lane stables (RDA) - Their horses and ponies provide invaluable therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities in and around London
- Specialist swimming teachers – Teddington pool are able to offer both accesses to public sessions in for families use their hydrotherapy pool, as well as 1:1 swimming lessons for children with additional needs.
- Wheelchair basketball – Richmond’s well established and successful wheelchair basketball team - The Knights
- RISE – hosting regular inclusive sporting events in the Richmond area for children to come along and try a new sport, as well as running a variety of inclusive sports groups from football, yoga, golf, and dancing
- British Paralympic Association – This website provides details about a huge variety of national inclusive sports opportunities.
- CP Sport – a national charity that promotes and supports sporting opportunities for people with cerebral palsy
- English Federation of Disability Sport
- Phyz Swimming is a support group that allows parents/carers to use the Hydrotherapy Pool at Teddington Pool
Small Steps. Charity based in Richmond that run conductive education group classes for pre-school children with physical disabilities.
Skylarks. An independent Richmond-upon-Thames based charity that provides activities and therapies for children with disabilities and additional needs. They also support and provide therapies, courses and information for their whole families.
This website has free resources to help families get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and/or disability (SEND).
Contact a Family. A national charity working to provide information, advice and support to families. They run events for families and children with disabilities, advise on legal or financial support and have a useful database of specific condition support groups.
Special Kids in the UK. Special Kids in the UK aim to bring families together for friendship, to share information and to support one another via their online forums and regular events throughout the country.
The organisations offer (mostly free) independent advice and support on all SEND matters including the Assessment, Education, Health and Care Planning processes.
Information on local services and support available for families including children and young people aged 0 - 25 years with special educational needs or disabilities.
Portage is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with SEND and their families. Portage aims to:
Work with families to help them develop a quality of life and experience, for themselves and their young children, in which they can learn together, play together, participate and be included in their community in their own right.
Play a part in minimising the disabling barriers that confront young children and their families.
Support the national and local development of inclusive services for children.
Achieving for Children is a social enterprise company created by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to provide their children’s services. On 1 August 2017, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead became a co-owner of AfC and they now deliver children’s services across all three boroughs.
Children’s Centres aim to provide children and their families with the best start in life. There are six centres around the borough of Richmond.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) is the professional, educational and trade union body for the UK's 56,000 chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and support workers.
Association Of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists (APCP) is a recognized Professional Network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).
There are standard specialised equipment that will be assessed and provided for by your local NHS including: specialised seating, specialised standing equipment, specialised walking aids, specialised orthotics and specialised sleep systems. Speak to your community therapist directly regarding if your child needs this type of assessment.
Special adaptations to your home and home seating equipment for 5 y/o’s and above are provided by The Social Services OT Service (AfC Info website - Kingston and Richmond :: Local Offer / Information And Advice / Social Care / Disabled Children's Team)
Non-standard specialised equipment is not provided by the NHS and links to providers who may be able to assist your family are found here. Please note that this list is not exclusive and the NHS does not recommend any particular company, but have listed some options here to help families with searching for potential options.
- Car Seats
- In Car Safety Centre- Milton Keynes MK6 Children's Car Seats in Milton Keynes - In Car Safety Centre
- Queen Elizabeth Foundation- Carlshalton SM5 Children's Car Seats in Milton Keynes - In Car Safety Centre
- Mobility Vehicles (new, used and rented options)
- McElmeel Mobility Services Ltd Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles from McElmeel’s Northern Ireland (
- Allied Mobility Mobility Vehicles - Allied Mobility
- Gowrings Versa Mobility Wheelchair Accessible & Adapted Vehicle Hire | GowringsVersa Mobility
- WAVSGB Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles for Sale - Approved UK Dealer (
- Motability Scheme (scheme to help to lease a vehicle) Help if you have a disabled child: Motability scheme - GOV.UK (
- Air Travel
- Queen Elizabeth Foundation Accessible Aviation Accessible Aviation - QEF
- UK Civil Aviation Authority (information on rights and how to assess special assistance) Passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility | Civil Aviation Authority (
- Transport support services for disabled people: Planes - GOV.UK (
- Train Travel
- Information on UK Transport Services for People with Disabilities Transport support services for disabled people: Trains - GOV.UK (
- Information on Mobility Grant Programmes