Acute Assessment Unit
About us
We offer comprehensive outpatient services at The Royal Eye Unit, a purpose-built facility with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment equipment.
The unit also provides eye surgery, including cataracts and laser treatments.
Eye emergency clinic
You must have an appointment to visit the Royal Eye Unit, we no longer have a walk-in casualty service. For urgent eye problems, you can call 020 8934 6799 to book an appointment (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, with last clinic appointment at 4pm). See our urgent eye problems leaflet for further advice.
Low vision aid and contact lens services
If your lens prescription has expired or you are experiencing any kind of discomfort with your existing lens, please contact us. In some cases, we will arrange referral to the Moorfields Eye Centre at St George’s Hospital.
If you no longer require the contact lens or low vision aid service or if you have identified a more local service and would like us to refer you there, please let us know as this will help us to better deliver these services in the future.
All patients are prioritised and seen in order of clinical need. At your next appointment, you will need:
- A copy of an in-date sight test undertaken by a high street optometrist. A sight test is normally valid for two years unless an early recall has been requested by your optometrist – please speak to them if you are unsure. This sight test is a legal requirement when prescribing specialist contact lenses.
- Proof of exemption from prescription fees if this applies to you.
After your appointment, payment will need to be made (if applicable) before orders are placed and you will need to collect these from the Royal Eye Unit.
If you have already been referred to Moorfields, your care will continue with them, and we will write to you when we are able to resume your appointments at Kingston.
For any queries relating to these services, please contact the Ophthalmology Administration team on 020 8934 6404 or email khft.
Our services
- Medical retina: Treating conditions at the back of the eye, including inflammation
- Age-related Macular Degeneration: A rapid-access, one-stop clinic for assessment and treatment
- Vitro retinal: Treating conditions at the back of the eye that need surgery
- Glaucoma: Assessment and treatment
- Children’s eye care
- Adult motility: Treating problems with eye movement, misalignment and double vision.
- Oculoplastics: Treating the tissues around the eye
- Cataracts: A one-stop assessment clinic
- General: Treating conditions that may need referrals to specialists
- Cornea: Treating conditions relating to the outside of the eye
- Low Vision Assessment
- Contact Lenses: Prescription and fitting
- Ophthalmic surgery: A comprehensive range of eye operations
Primary care services
If you are older than 5 years old and are registered with either a Richmond or Kingston GP practice you may be signposted to a local optician who offers consultation on a range of minor eye conditions. This service is known as minor eye conditions services (MECS).
If you are any age and are registered with a neighbouring Merton & Wandsworth GP practice you may be sign posted to a local optician who provide a minor eye conditions service (MECS).
Out of hours
If you have an urgent eye problem out of hours, please contact NHS 111 or attend your local emergency department in case of an emergency.
Raynes Park outpatient clinic
We run glaucoma and medical retinal clinics at Raynes park Health Centre. You can speak to us there on 020 8973 5060.
Laser treatments
Please contact your optician or GP to be referred for an appointment at the Royal Eye Unit on Monday to Friday between 8.15am and 5pm.
Urgent eyecare services
You can find a local optician using the Primary Eyecare Services website
Eye theatre
For appointment enquiries or to change an appointment please call 020 8934 6404.
Your optician or GP can refer you to our clinic, where appointments are held Monday to Friday, between 8.15am and 5pm.
- Biologic and biosimilar medicines for eye conditions
- Contact lens service
- Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)
- iStent for glaucoma
- Macular laser treatment
- My first eye test at the hospital
- Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) laser treatment
- Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO) and YAG Laser Capsulotomy
- Retina virtual clinic
- Retinal vein occlusion (RVO)
- Urgent eye problems
- Use of povidone iodine (PI) before intraocular procedures