The official patient photography service for Kingston Hospital is located in The Princess Alexandra Wing, (PAW) otherwise known as the Dental Unit. The reception desk at PAW can direct you once you arrive.

About us

The service regularly involves  taking clinical photographs of patients in studio, and on  Hospital Wards. A professional digital camera is used and all media is held on secure server. There is just one member of staff covering the service, his name is Mark.

How to access services

If you have been asked to book an appointment by the clinical teams from Kingston Hospital you can telephone photography direct: 020 8934 2352 or email

Alternatively, if you have been asked by the clinical teams to submit your own images, this can only be done via the photo submission process found under the section titled ‘How to Refer.’

Contact us

Have you used our service? We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this short form below to give us your feedback.

How would you rate our service? Required
Please select an option. (How would you rate our service?)
Please fill in this field.(Please sign and add any additional information below:)
Please fill in this field with a valid email.(Email)
You must agree before submitting.

Medical photography submission form

Please fill in this field.(First name)
Please fill in this field.(Last name)
Please fill in this field with a valid email.(Email address)
Please fill in this field.(Date of birth:)
Please fill in this field with a number.(MRN number:)
Please fill in this field.(Notes to accompany images:)
Please fill in this field.(Upload images:)
Please fill in this field.(Upload additional image:)
Please fill in this field.(Upload additional image:)
Please fill in this field.(Upload additional image:)
You must agree before submitting.