Acute Assessment Unit

About us
The Breast Unit is run by a multidisciplinary team. Our excellent imaging equipment includes two digital mammography units, two high-frequency ultrasound machines – with capability for vacuum biopsy in addition to standard core biopsy – and radiological expertise in the reporting of breast MRI.
Our comprehensive services include on-site testing facilities that can give the results of biopsies within 24 hours.
We’re one of the busiest breast units in the region and we treat about 280 new breast cancers each year. Our unit treats the full range of benign and malignant breast conditions and provides a full range of surgical procedures.
Our breast care nurse specialists support patients through the diagnostic and different treatment pathways. They also facilitate Nurse Led Clinics: pre-op care, Holistic Needs Assessments, breast cancer treatment-related lymphoedema, and micro-pigmentation to nipple and areola clinics. The breast care nurse also takes on the role of the patient’s key worker. The key worker acts as the co-ordinator by working closely with the consultant surgeons and other clinicians involved in the patient’s care.
The surgical care practitioner assists the consultant oncoplastic breast surgeons in the operating theatres, facilitates clinics in wound care, diagnostic invasive procedures and pre-op care for benign procedures.
Medical oncology services are provided in partnership with the Royal Marsden. Clinics and chemotherapy are delivered at our site, with radiotherapy provided at the Royal Marsden’s Chelsea or Sutton locations.
We run one-stop clinics, joint oncology clinics and follow-up clinics. Additionally, we offer Open Access Follow-Up (OAFU) for most patients who have completed their hospital treatment.
Information for breast cancer patients
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the UK. Most women diagnosed with breast cancer are over the age of 50, but younger women can also get breast cancer. In rare cases, men can also be diagnosed with breast cancer.
About one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. There’s a good chance of recovery if a breast cancer is detected in its early stages.
There are different types of breast cancer and further information about these can be found on Breast Cancer Now website.
We work in partnership with the Royal Marsden Hospital and with the support of our breast care nurses (clinical nurse specialists), we provide an integrated and comprehensive breast cancer pathway.
Treatments for breast cancer
These may include:
- surgery to breast/s and/or lymph nodes under the arm
- chemotherapy
- radiotherapy
- hormone (endocrine) therapy
- targeted (biological) therapy
- bisphosphonates IV treatment
- immunotherapy (metastatic setting only)
In early breast cancer, surgery is usually the first treatment provided. Then depending on the type of surgery and what is learned about your cancer after looking at it under the microscope, you may be advised to have one or a combination of the treatments listed above.
Breast cancer patients being treated at Kingston Hospital may be invited to take part in a clinical trial into different aspects of their care. The results of past clinical trials help doctors when planning treatment.
Holistic needs assessment
People with cancer often require care, support and information in addition to the management of their cancer or condition.
A holistic needs assessment (HNA) is a discussion with your breast care nurse about your physical, emotional and social needs. The focus is on you as a whole – not just your illness. However, you decide how much information you would like to share about your current situation.
The HNA is an opportunity for you to talk about any worries or concerns you may have. It will help to clarify your needs and refer you to any relevant services and signpost to other organisations for additional information and support.
An HNA is offered at different times during your care, including:
- Around the time of diagnosis or start of your treatment
- The end of your treatment – when your surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy has been completed
- Any time that you ask for one
We will carry out an HNA either over the phone or at one of our nurse-led clinic appointments depending on what is more convenient for you.
With your agreement the nurse carrying out your assessment may refer you to other services that may be of help to you. Alternatively, you will be given written information about these services then you can take it further yourself.
Health and wellbeing support
- Kingston Hospital Macmillan information and support service
- Cancer Counselling service
- Every mind matters – managing anxiety
- Breast Cancer Now
- Breast Cancer Haven
- Cancer Care Map
- Maggie’s at The Royal Marsden
Tattoo artist working with patients with breast cancer
Tanya Buxton works with Kingston Hospital to support patients who have breast cancer. Tanya offers a wide variety of medical tattoo treatments, including 3D areola-nipple tattoos, mastectomy tattoos, scar camouflage and gender-affirming tattoos.
Tanya works with the hospital once a month, on a Monday. For referrals, please contact your Breast Care Nurse who can put you in contact with Tanya. You can view Tanya’s website here.