Acute Assessment Unit
About us
This department is one of the largest in the trust and our doctors provide care for over 50% of patients who visit the hospital. Our doctors provide a wide range of clinical work across the trust, including:
- Elective and emergency anaesthetic services to all departments across 14 operating theatres.
- 24-hour anaesthetic service to our delivery suite and maternity department
- Pre-operative assessment and perioperative clinics and services
- Manage and lead the Intensive Care Unit and outreach teams
- Acute and chronic pain clinics and interventional procedures
Our department was one of the first nationally to achieve the Royal College of Anaesthetists accreditation in 2015 and was recertified in 2020, demonstrating our dedication to providing outstanding quality of care, and drive to innovate and develop our services.
Who are anaesthetists?
Anaesthetists are doctors with specialist training who are responsible for providing your anaesthetic and looking after you before, during and after surgery.
In addition, anaesthetists have a range of practice which extends beyond anaesthesia for surgery and includes pain management and intensive care.
In theatre, the anaesthetist administers the anaesthetic tailored to the individual patient and remains with them throughout the operation, monitoring and treating as necessary.
They also plan and implement the pain relief strategy to ensure that patients are comfortable immediately following the operation.
What is an anaesthetic?
Anaesthesia stops you feeling pain and unpleasant sensations and can be given in various ways. The different types and what is most suitable will be discussed with you by your anaesthetist prior to any procedure.
- General anaesthesia: gives a state of controlled unconsciousness, either via injected drugs or inhaled gases. It is essential for some operations and procedures.
- Regional anaesthesia: involves injections that numb a particular region of your body. You are pain free but may feel some sensations such as pressure. You will remain awake, but it may be combined with sedation.
- Local anaesthesia: an injection numbs a small part of your body, so you are free from pain but still conscious.
- Sedation: gives a ‘sleep like’ state and is often used with a local or regional anaesthetic. Sedation may be light or deep and you may remember everything, something or nothing after sedation.
You can find out more information from the Royal College of Anaesthetists website.
We work closely with our surgeons from the point of decision for surgery through to the time to discharge.
Once it has been decided you need a procedure, you will be reviewed by our pre-assessment department before the operation can go ahead. At this appointment, a nurse or doctor will ask about your health and do some investigations including blood tests.
You can find out more about what to expect when you come for an operation at Kingston Hospital on our pre-operative assessment page.
Our anaesthetic department provides a 24-hour service to the labour ward and maternity department.
This includes anaesthesia for elective and emergency caesarean sections, epidurals for pain relief in labour, and care of the higher risk pregnancy and mothers.
We also work closely with the ante-natal obstetric units to support women who may need additional anaesthetic advice before giving birth with two consultant led antenatal clinics per month.
The Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association provides further information about epidurals and other forms of labour pain relief and anaesthesia for caesarean section.
- Dr Alison Curtis
- Dr Amira Girgis
- Dr Andrew Tan
- Dr Anna Joseph
- Dr Asif Qureshi
- Dr Bernadette Ratnayake
- Dr Brenda Buxton
- Dr Carol Stableforth
- Dr Deanne Cheyne
- Dr Gayani Jayasooriya
- Dr Girish Kar
- Dr Hadi Alsahaf
- Dr Henry Lewith
- Dr Inithan Ganesaratnam
- Dr Jeremy Boyle
- Dr Joanne Glynn
- Dr Josephine Cashman
- Dr Kaggere Paramesh
- Dr Nicole Richards
- Dr Nik Husain
- Dr Ping-Yi Kuo
- Dr Pooja Paramasivan
- Dr Prabhu Gandhimani
- Dr Preeti Goyal
- Dr Ram Kumar
- Dr Richard Waddington
- Dr Sabeen Khan
- Dr Sarang Puranik
- Dr Shao Chong
- Dr Sharief Sharaf
- Dr Sombith Maitra
- Dr Tharumalingam Gowripalann
- Dr Viktorija Peciuliene