As long as you keep your log in details secure, the information is safe. Make sure you log out properly every time you leave Kingston Hospital’s Patient Portal and be careful with your log in information.

For more information on how we collect, use, retain and share personal information which we hold please see the Trust's privacy notices

For further information on Cerner’s commitment to keeping your information secure please visit the Oracle Health website

We take the security of your personal information very seriously and there are strict rules about how we use your data; we will register your email address on our main hospital system to contact you regarding your Kingston Hospital Patient Portal account.

This contact information will be used to communicate with you regarding your health. By providing your email address, you are giving us permission to interact with you for other health related reasons not solely limited to correspondence from the HealtheLife by Cerner patient portal.

For more information on how we collect, use, retain and share personal information which we hold please see the Trust's privacy notices

For further information on Cerner’s commitment to keeping your information secure please visit the Oracle Health website


Your GP record is on a different system and therefore not included in Kingston Hospital’s Patient Portal. However, you can access information from Kingston Hospital’s Patient Portal alongside GP data via the NHS App. If you need any support accessing your NHS App account you can get support on the NHS website. 

Kingston Hospital’s Patient Portal is your record. Clinicians will not be able to directly see what is included within the portal, but as clinicians involved in your care in the hospital and at your GP surgery, they will of course be able to see the same information within your healthcare records.