Urology Primary Care Pathways
Primary care pathways for common conditions in gynaecology
These pathways have been developed to enable clinicians in Primary Care to manage common gynaecological problems with confidence in their setting.
The pathways are presented in the format of a flow chart for easy perusal with signposting where possible to sites for further information or to access patient information.
They were developed by the Kingston Hospital Gynaecology team of doctors with valuable feedback from GP colleagues. For conditions where the SWL Gynaecology Network has developed a pathway, we have ensured these pathways align with SWL pathways. There are evidence based and aligned to national guidance where available and when this is not available they are based on principles of good medical practice.
Please use them to help you manage your patients and before you consider a referral to secondary care. Clinical pathway development and use is a dynamic process and we would like to get feedback from users to ensure they are clear and fit for purpose. Please email us on khn-tr.