We have many resources available to all Trust staff and students. If you need help finding books or resources contact the library team and we will do our best to help.
The majority of our online resources will require an NHS OpenAthens account. To register for an account, fill in this short online form and register for one using your nhs.net email address.
The Library holds approximately 6000 print books covering all professional specialties practiced in the hospital. The stock is regularly updated with few items over ten years old. We also have a number of collections including wellbeing books, recreational reads, careers and management and teamwork. Our eBooks are ever growing and can all be accessed with your NHS OpenAthens account.
All Trust staff are able to borrow from the library and can borrow 8 books for 4 weeks at a time. Our library catalogue is shared with a consortium of other NHS libraries and as such we are able to have access to their collections and are able to borrow them freely. To register with the library to borrow books please fill in this quick online registration form.
Print books
All our print books are available to browse on our library catalogue. We have a number of lists available which can be viewed here:
- Black History Month
- Careers
- Clinical Audit
- Examination Texts
- Hidden Disabilities
- Interview guides
- Management and team work
- Menopause
- Paediatric and neonatology books
- Pride
- Recreational reads
- Staff appraisal
- Wellbeing and personal improvement
All eBooks can be accessed using your NHS OpenAthens log in details.
As we source our eBooks from various suppliers the best way to search is through our library catalogue, Koha by typing in a keyword or a name of a book you are looking for. Alternatively you can browse all our eBooks here.
eBook collections
- EBSCO Clinical Collection: features more than 1,700 titles in medical specialties, nursing, allied health and general practice.
- Kortext eBooks: The collection of eBooks covers subject areas including diversity, resilience and wellbeing, sustainability plus many more!
- Ovid eBooks: A selection of medical and nursing books. (log in to your OpenAthens account and select books on the top blue bar)
- Oxford Handbooks: Online access to medical and healthcare books from Oxford University Press
If you need help access these resources, please see our training information for a list of the courses we run or contact the library for further information.
The easiest way to access ejournals is via the Knowledge and Library Hub. Search for the journal article by title, or for the subject you are interested in. You will be presented with either a link that will directly go to the fulltext or it will take you to a simple request form to see if it is available by Interlibrary Loan.
You can also use the Browse Journals option if you just want to browse a few favourite journals.
Print Journals
We hold a few current print journals in the library which can be read as reference only. Titles include:
- New Scientist
- Nursing Times
- Time
- National Geographic
We also have some back issues of other journals that can be read in the library or loaned on a short period only. Please contact us to find out more.
The library provides access to over 3000 e-journals. A searchable list of all our electronic journals are available through Browzine or alternatively by clicking on the ‘Browze Journals’ link on the Knowledge and Library Hub. In order to access these journals you will require an NHS OpenAthens username and password.
If you need help access these resources, please see our training page for a list of the courses we run or contact the library for further information.
The Library provides access to a range of databases covering a variety of subject areas. Some databases are free but the main ones require an OpenAthens password. You can register online for OpenAthens (ensuring that you use your nhs.net email address and enter Kingston Hospital as you organisation) if you need an OpenAthens account.
Bibliographic databases
Medline - from US National Library of Medicine. Covers clinical medicine, including the allied health fields. Includes biological and physical sciences and humanities where they relate to health care. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
EMBASE - produced by Elsevier. Covers biomedicine and pharmacology; particularly strong in the areas of drugs, toxicology and psychiatry. Includes US and European journals. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
EMCARE - produced by Elsevier, covers all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions. Emcare includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine from 1995 to present. Requires a NHS Open Athens account.
CINAHL - Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Primarily concerned with nursing, but approximately 35% of articles are related to allied health disciplines. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
British Nursing Index (BNI) - Nursing and midwifery database mainly indexing journals published in the UK, plus other English-language journals including international nursing and midwifery journals. Also indexes selective content from medical, allied health and management journals. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
PsycInfo - compiled by the American Psychological Association. Contains relevant material from medicine, psychiatry, social work, law, criminology, social science and organisational behaviour. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
HMIC (Health Management Information Consortium) - From the HMIC. Combines information from the Department of Health, King’s Fund and the Nuffield Institute for Health Information. Covers health management, health care planning and hospital administration. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
AMED - Allied and Complementary Medicine Database. Bibliographic database produced by British Library. Covers a selection of journals in complementary medicine, palliative care, and several professions allied to medicine. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
Social Policy and Practice - brings together data from the following 5 leading collections of social policy and practice resources. AgeInfo – Centre for Policy on Ageing, NSPCC – National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Planex – IDOX Information Service, Social Care Online – Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), ChildData – National Children’s Bureau (NCB)
Pubmed - a free version of Medline, published by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). Click on the link above to access a customized version of PubMed where many citations are linked to full text articles already available via your NHS OpenAthens.
King's Fund Library Database - covers the policy and management of health and social care services – 1979 to present, and King’s Fund publications from 1906 onwards.
Evidence-based databases available:
Cochrane Library - consists of several databases supporting evidence-based medicine, including: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, NHS EED (NHS Economic Evaluation Database) and HTA (Health Technology Assessments). Free access to users in England & Wales through funding by the NHS.
TRIP Pro Database - Trip Pro is a clinical search engine designed to quickly and easily find high-quality research evidence. Trip is available to NHS Staff in the Library and on NHS England sites. Requires an NHS OpenAthens account.
NICE Guidance - evidence-based recommendations developed by independent committees, including professionals and lay members, and consulted on by stakeholders.
Campbell Collaboration - an international social science research network that produces high quality, open and policy-relevant evidence syntheses, plain language summaries and policy briefs.
BestBETs - developed in the Emergency Department of Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK, to provide rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature.
If you need help access these resources, please see our training information for a list of the courses we run or contact the library for further information.
Clinical care tools provide information to assist health professionals in making clinical decisions. These resources include critically appraised topics, differential diagnosis tools, clinical calculators, and evidence-based practice resources.
UpToDate is an interactive clinical decision support and is now available for all staff at the Trust, this includes Consultants, Resident Doctors, Nurses, Midwives, Pharmacists and AHPs.
The stakes are high when treating patients – and every decision counts. You need to have the best evidence and clinical guidance at your fingertips to confidently answer even the most complicated questions. UpToDate includes over 12,700 topics in more than 25 specialties, a drug and interaction database (in collaboration with Lexicomp), around 1,500 patient education materials and over 37,000 graphics and links to more than 530,000 references.
Click here to access UpToDate and log in with your NHS OpenAthens account. Don’t have an account? Register for one here OpenAthens using your nhs.net email address. For further help to set up a personal account please get in contact with the library team on krft.library@nhs.net.
BMJ Best Practice
BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool, uniquely structured around the patient consultation, with advice on symptom evaluation, tests to order and treatment approach. All Trust staff can now access BMJ Best Practice, access is provided by Health Education England. Use BMJ Best Practice to:
- Search thousands of clinical topics and over 6,000 clinical guidelines
- Find answers fast using our layout that mirrors the patient consultation
- Access anywhere, with online and offline access via the BMJ Best Practice app
- Get step-by-step guidance via our unique treatment algorithm tables
- Check prescription guidance using linked drug databases and over 250 medical calculators
- Stay current with Important Updates highlighted within each topic
- Ensure your ongoing professional development,with automatic CME/CPD tracking.
Other tools
British National Formulary (BNF) aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information about the use of medicines
British National Formulary for Children (BNFC) aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information on the use of medicines for treating children.
Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical and Cancer Nursing Procedures is an excellent tool to enable nurses to access the latest research relevant to practice quickly and easily from a source they can trust.
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines is a world-renowned reference on the safe use of medications for patients presenting with mental health problems.
If you need help access these resources, please see our training information for a list of the courses we run or contact the library for further information.
The Librarians can conduct literature and evidence searches on your behalf to support with clinical practice, service development and management, research and teaching.
While library staff are happy to train medical and nursing students to use NHS sources of literature, unfortunately we are not able to undertake literature searches for you – most of the time you will be required to do this as part of your course. Please see our training information for a list of the courses we run or contact the library for further information.
How the service works
The search results will comprise of a list of references, with abstracts and links to full text items where available. The search strategy, including a list of resources used, will be included. The search results will not be summarised, graded or categorised in order of importance.
Your results will normally be emailed to you within 5-10 working days. If you need the results sooner than this, please contact the library to discuss your needs.
How to make a request
- E-mail your request to the library at khft.library@nhs.net
- Fill in this form with as much information as possible
Library staff may contact you if more information is required prior to the search being carried out.
Finally, please be aware that we occasionally follow up searches to ask how the information was used and what, if any, changes were made as a result of using this service. Your feedback is important to us and will help us to improve our service.
If you need help access these resources, please see our training information for a list of the courses we run or contact the library for further information.
All staff and students on placement can use the library space for work, study and research whether they are library members or not. Please see below for more information on the facilities available.
Study areas and pods
There are a number of quiet study areas around the library for you to study or complete your work. There are tables, booths and a wellbeing area. You can plug in your laptop and use the Trust’s wifi.
If you need to borrow books out of staffed hours a self service machine is available.
The Library also has 2 pods that can be booked in slots of between 30 minutes to 4 hours. The larger pod can accommodate up to 4 people and the smaller pod up to 2 people. To book please email the library on krft.library@nhs.net.
The library has 15 PCs available 24 hours a day that can be logged on with your Trust username and password. Internet access and all office applications are available on all the PCs. There are webcams and headsets available to borrow during staffed hours if you need to attend a Teams meeting or are undertaking your stat and man training.
PC users are reminded not to save work to the C: drive as this is wiped from the PC when the machine is shut down or a user logs off.
Printing and scanning charges
- 5p per side for black and white printing
- 15p per side for colour printing
Please visit the library enquiry desk to top up your account. Cash is the only payment method accepted. Scanning is available, free of charge. Please follow the instructions for use next to the photocopier.
Pods and library multipurpose room
The Library Multipurpose Room is available for Trust staff and students to book for group study and training. The room can accommodate between 2-7 people and is equipped with an interactive touch screen and a further 6 PCs If you would like to make a booking please email the Library on khft.library@nhs.net.
The Library also has 2 pods that can be booked in slots of between 30 minutes to 4 hours. The larger pod can accommodate up to 4 people and the smaller pod up to 2 people. To book please email the library.
The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub connects NHS staff and learners to high quality knowledge and evidence resources in one place. The Hub includes:
- Journals, books and databases
- Clinical decision support resources including Dynamed, BMJ Best Practice and NICE Guidelines
- Policy and management information and research literature
- Resources that have been purchased nationally and at a local level by Stenhouse Library
- One-click links to full-text or if not available request a copy directly to the library.
Full access is available with your NHS OpenAthens account. Please contact Stenhouse library for more information on krft.library@nhs.net.
This short user video guide will guide you through the basic steps on how to search the Hub:
Overwhelmed by information or not sure how to keep up to date? Stenhouse Library can provide you with bulletins and notifications of the latest research and publications in your field.
To sign up to this service complete this quick Microsoft Form.
Targeted notifications
Our KnowledgeShare notifications are highly personalised and targeted to you. Focusing on the evidence that will change practice, and the latest publications on quality, safety, education and the patient experience, our aim is to bring you what you need to know and no more.
To register for KnowledgeShare you just need to fill out and submit this form to tell us your contact details, preferences and areas of interest: Register for KnowledgeShare.
Once signed up you will receive regular personalised evidence updates relating to your professional interests. These interests can be as broad (e.g. Obstetrics) or as specific (e.g. gestational diabetes) as you like. You can also amend your interests at any time. Evidence updates can be sent either weekly, fortnightly or monthly and will include the latest guidelines, policy documents, reports and research in your targeted area.
Table of Content alerts
You can also keep up to date with your favourite journals and select what publications you would like to receive table of contents alerts from. The option for this is available on question 15 of the Microsoft Form.
If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch with the library.
What is the Book Club?
The Stenhouse Library Book Club is open to all staff. Books are chosen by the members and can be fiction or non-fiction. The library can borrow 12 copies of most books from Kingston Public Libraries to be loaned out on a first come first served basis. If we have more than 12 members then people are welcome to get hold of their own book in whatever format they choose, either book, eBook or audiobook.
When and where will we be meeting?
We will meet up every 6 weeks, at lunchtime, face to face in the Education Centre and on Teams for those of you who can’t make it in person. A Teams chat also runs alongside so members can discuss the book in between meetings.
What if I don’t like the book?
You don’t have to be an avid reader and it is not compulsory to like every book. The book club is meant to be a fun, no pressure way of meeting other staff members and trying books you wouldn’t normally read.
Sign me up!
Send the library an email on krft.library@nhs.net or fill in this form.
We do hope you can join us and have fun reading, chatting, meeting new people and eating biscuits!
Have you been published yet?
Get published in Stenhouse Library’s newly purchased subscription to BMJ Case Reports.
Submit unlimited cases to the World’s largest online repository of case reports. Ask your librarians for our unique fellowship code to submit to BMJ. We also have tips and guidance on how to write a case and get published. Just fill in this quick online form to request the code.
You can also get full access to over 29 thousand already published cases, providing a wealth of clinical information from all over the world by clicking this link: BMJ Case Reports. To access the articles, you will need your OpenAthens Account.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the library team on krft.