Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
When to get help
Having a fall can be very upsetting. Many people, whether they have had a fall or not, live in fear of it happening. This can severely impact their quality of life and everyday activities.
People who have already had a fall are more likely to fall again in the future.
However, there are ways to reduce the risk of falls and get back the confidence you need to enjoy life.
Tell us if you are worried
It is important to tell your doctor if you start to experience falls or feel unsteady, even if you feel well otherwise.
Or if you prefer, you can contact us at the Falls and Bone Health Service directly. We can talk to you about how you are feeling. We can also make sure you get the help you need to reduce your risk of falling.
Are you at risk?
- Have you had a fall in the last year?
- Do you have any problems with your balance?
- Do you have a fear of falling or a loss of confidence?
If you answered ’yes’ to ANY of these questions, you would definitely benefit from support from us. Call the Falls and Bone Health Service (details below).
How we can help
If you have a GP in Richmond, we can help you to reduce the chance of you having a fall in the future.
Our service includes:
- falls clinics, based at Teddington Memorial Hospital and Centre House
- an assessment, including medical review and physiotherapy
- ’Stay on your feet’ exercise groups
- assessments at home for housebound clients
- direct links with community falls prevention classes in leisure facilities throughout the borough
- providing equipment
- home assessments
- physiotherapy and follow-up within your own home
- patient information packs.
What to do if you fall
Try not to panic if you have a fall.
If you are not hurt:
- try to get up and rest
- report your fall to your doctor.
If you are hurt or cannot get up:
- get help:
- bang on the wall or window
- call 999
- use your personal alarm
- get comfortable
- keep warm with a coat or blanket.
Help and advice
Preventing falls
We have this practical guide to reducing the risk of falls and injury (from Richmond's Falls and Bone Health Team)
You can also get help and advice or find out more about preventing falls by contacting:
- Falls and Bone Health Service
Contact details given below. - Age UK
0800 169 6565
Bone health and osteoporosis
Contact the National Osteoporosis Society for information and services about bone health and osteoporosis.
01761 472 721
For GP surgery
Please discuss the “Are you at risk?” questions with your patient.
If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of the questions, your patient is at high risk of future falls. They may benefit from further assessment by the Falls and Bone Health Service.
Refer patients through the Richmond Single Point of Access (SPA) service.
Related information
Explanation of what happens after you have been referred to the Falls and Bone Health Service:
Recommended websites for more information about preventing falls:
Contact information
Falls and Bone Health Service
Correspondent address, clinics not held here:
Whitton Health & Social Care Centre
Percy Road
To cancel or rearrange your appointment, or to discuss anything else in this leaflet
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm