Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
About vulvovaginitis
Vulvovaginitis is a fairly common condition in young girls where the outer part of the vagina (vulva) becomes irritated and inflamed. It usually affects young girls who have not started puberty.
It is uncomfortable but usually responds well to simple steps which can be taken at home. Some girls have symptoms many times and others only once.
Vulvovaginitis is caused by irritation of the skin by urine, moisture or other irritants (soap, bubble baths, detergents). It is often made worse by threadworms which cause itching around the child’s bottom.
Symptoms include any of the following:
- pain, redness and itching to the vulva
- pain and discomfort when weeing (usually because the wee can irritate the sore skin).
How to help your child at home
- Encourage them to drink plenty of water or dilute squash.
- Ensure they wear cotton underwear and avoid tight clothing. Symptoms are often worse in a warm, moist or sweaty environment.
- Wash their clothes using non-biological washing detergent.
- Avoid using scented soaps or bubble baths and do not use talcum powder.
- During toileting, encourage them to wipe from front to back. Make sure they wash their hands well afterwards.
- Some children find vinegar baths helpful. Mix ½ cup of white vinegar into a warm, shallow bath and let your child soak in it for 10 to 15 minutes. They can do this daily, for a few days, to see if it helps.
- Use a barrier cream, for example Sudocrem, in a thin layer to protect the skin.
- If they are constipated, ask your GP how to treat this, as it may make their symptoms worse.
Vulvovaginitis and other conditions
Urine infections
Sometimes girls can have vulvovaginitis and a urine infection at the same time. Signs of a urine infection include weeing often, discomfort when weeing and/or a temperature of 38 degrees C or higher.
These are tiny worms that live in the gut and lay their eggs at night around the anus/bottom. They make vulvovaginitis worse, so it is important they are treated.
Treat the whole family at the same time. Give bedding and towels a hot wash (temperature 60 degrees) to get rid of any remaining threadworm eggs.
If your child does not get better
In most cases, using these methods will help make the symptoms of vulvovaginitis better within a few weeks.
If you are still worried about your child
If you are still worried about your child, go to the Paediatric Emergency Department (part of your nearest hospital A&E).
Contact information
Paediatric Admin Team, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm