Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Where possible, outpatient appointments will now take place by video or phone.
A video appointment (sometimes called a virtual appointment) is the same as your usual face-to-face appointment at the hospital or community clinic but conducted over a video link instead. This is done using a secure system called Attend Anywhere.
If your child has been offered a video appointment, do not come to the hospital as you will not be seen.
Why your child has a video appointment
To improve outpatient services, we are increasing the number of clinic appointments delivered by video or phone. This limits people’s exposure to Covid, flu and other infections that could be caught in a hospital or clinic. Patients have told us that it reduces the need to take time off work and avoids the difficulties of travelling to the hospital and parking.
Your health professional has reviewed your child’s condition and decided that it is safe for their appointment to take place via video.
What will happen
Waiting room
To access your child’s video appointment, go to the waiting room link page. Choose paediatrics or the department given at the top of your child’s appointment letter.
- Your appointment letter gives you the time and date of your appointment. This will take place using Attend Anywhere (a secure video appointments system).
- Go to the Kingston Hospital video appointments waiting room link page.
- Choose from the list the paediatric service or the department given at the top of your child’s appointment letter. Then follow the link.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to be taken to the waiting room.
- The health professional delivering the appointment will admit you when they are ready.
- If earlier appointments have over-run, you may have to wait a short while until you are seen.
- Go to the video appointments page to find out more about how they work and to watch a short film guide.
What you need to access a video appointment
Before your appointment, make sure you have what you need to access the video call:
- A good connection to the internet. If you can watch a video online (such as on YouTube), you can make a video call.
- A web-camera, speakers and microphone. These are usually already built into laptops and mobile devices.
- Good Wi-Fi signal, if you are connecting using Wi-Fi.
- If you are using a mobile device such as a tablet or phone, try to connect to Wi-Fi to avoid using your mobile data allowance.
- Use one of following web browsers.
Frequently asked questions
- Video calls are secure. Your privacy and your child’s privacy is protected.
- You will have your own private video room that only authorised health professionals can enter.
You do not use any data while you are waiting for a health professional to join you. Once the video call begins, you will use a similar amount of data to Skype or FaceTime.
The video call is free except for data usage (details above).
- You need to be in a quiet, well-lit area where you can talk privately with the health professional without being disturbed.
- Have a list of your child’s current medicines.
- Have your child’s appointment letters available and any other documents connected to their condition.
- Have pen and paper ready in case you want to take notes.
- Please test your connection in advance, and that your camera and microphone work. You can do this via the video appointments page.
- For privacy reasons, please do not record your appointment.
- A family member, friend or carer may join you and your child at the video appointment if they need to be there to support you.
Check your device has access to your camera and microphone.
Tell your child’s health professional straight away if you have any technical problems with the video call. Phone the department using the number at the top of your child’s appointment letter.
If you miss your appointment, which includes any situation where you were not able to attend the video call but did not call the department to explain, the healthcare professional will decide on the next step. This could include re-booking your appointment or discharging your child back to your GP. Contact us on the phone number at the top of your appointment letter if you have any concerns about this.
Under certain circumstances, we may inform partner agencies (health professionals and children’s social care) if your child misses an appointment, and they may contact you. This is in accordance with our information sharing agreement and in the best interests of your child.
We can arrange for an interpreter to be on the video call with your health professional. Ask a family member or friend to phone the hospital department (the number is on the appointment letter) at least 3 days before your appointment and tell us which language is needed.
If you have special communication needs – for example, you are deaf or have a learning difficulty – ask a friend or relative to phone your hospital department (the number is on the appointment letter). They can then discuss the best way for you and your child to access your appointment.
Top tips for getting the most out of your appointment
Before your appointment
- Write down your two or three most important questions. See the list below for some suggestions.
- Write down details of your child’s symptoms, including when they started and what makes them better or worse.
During your appointment
- Do not be afraid to ask if you do not understand – for example, ‘Can you say that again? I still don’t understand’ – and encourage your child to ask questions as well.
- If you or your child do not understand any words, ask if they can be explained. Write things down or ask a family member or friend to take notes.
Before you leave your appointment
- Check that you have covered everything on your list and that you understand what was said. If you or your child are not sure, ask for more information – for example, ‘Can I just check I understood what you said?’
- Make sure that you know what should happen next and when; write it down.
- Ask who to contact if you or your child have any more problems or questions, and how to contact them.
- Ask about support groups and where to go for reliable information.
- Ask for copies of letters written about your child. You and your child are entitled to see these.
- Keep your notes from the discussion.
If your child needs tests, book them as soon as you can and put the dates into your diary.
Useful questions to ask
Questions about tests | What are the tests for? How will we get the results? How long will the results take to come? Who do we contact if we don’t get the results? |
Questions about treatment | Are there other ways to treat my child’s condition? What do you recommend? Are there any side effects or risks? How will we know if the treatment is working? How effective is this treatment? What will happen if we don’t have any treatment? Is there anything I can do to help them or that they can do to help? |
What next | What happens next? Do we need to come back and see you? Who do we contact if things get worse? Do you have any written information? Where can we go for more information? Is there a support group or any other source of help? |
Contact information
If you have any questions about your appointment, call the number at the top of your appointment letter.