Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
About urinary tract infections (UTIs)
UTIs are common in children, especially girls. They can usually be treated easily with antibiotics. It is important to diagnose urine infections to prevent any long-term problems. This often involves collecting a urine sample from your baby or child.
Your baby or child may have a UTI if you notice one or more of the following:
- they appear generally unwell and tired
- they are not feeding as much as usual, are unusually sleepy or difficult to comfort
- they have a fever (temperature of 38 degrees C or above)
- they need to wee suddenly or more often than usual, or deliberately hold in their wee
- they have a pain or a burning sensation when weeing
- their urine is smelly or cloudy or contains blood
- they change their toileting habits, including urine accidents (both day and night time)
- they have pain in the lower tummy.
Action to take if you think your baby or child has a UTI
Your GP or healthcare professional will probably ask you to collect a urine sample from your child, using a sterile sample pot. Your GP surgery will give you the sample pot.
How to collect a urine sample
Collecting a urine sample is not always easy. The best samples are ‘clean catch’ where the child wees directly into the sample pot. Do not use a urine bag or pad to catch the urine first, because this often gives an unreliable test result.
To ‘clean catch’ a urine sample using a specimen pot:
- First, wash your hands.
- If you have a baby, remove their nappy. Clean your baby’s genitalia using a wipe (always wipe from front to back).
- Open the specimen pot. Remember not to touch inside the pot (as it is sterile).
- Wait until your baby or child wees into the pot, then apply the lid securely. This may take some time and patience. Let your GP know if you are struggling to get a clean sample.
What to do with the sample
- Get the sample tested at your GP or clinic as soon as possible (while the sample is freshest).
- If you can’t get to your GP or clinic straight away, you can store the urine sample in a fridge at home for up to 24 hours. (Put the specimen pot inside a sealed bag).
Once your GP or clinic has the sample, they can make a simple dipstick test to find out if your child has a urine infection. Sometimes the urine sample is sent to a laboratory for testing. These lab results usually take 48 to 72 hours.
If a urine infection is diagnosed, your child or baby will need antibiotics. Your GP or clinic will decide which is most suitable for them, based on their age and any allergies. They will discuss these options with you.
Most babies or children get better quickly once antibiotics have started. Young babies may need to be given intravenous (via a vein) antibiotics in hospital. Antibiotics for children are usually in syrup form, but can be in tablet form for older children.
How to care for your child at home
- Encourage them to drink plenty of fluids. Avoid fizzy or caffeinated drinks.
- Manage a fever with paracetamol (for example Calpol) or ibuprofen (for example Neurofen). See link to fever leaflet in the More Information section.
- Ensure they wipe carefully after using the toilet, always from front to back.
If your baby or child does not get better with antibiotics
Babies under 6 months old, and children of any age with frequent or unusual urine infections, may need other tests to look for any underlying reason for the infection.
These tests include an ultrasound kidney scan or a ‘dye’ scan. A dye scan is done some months after the infection has cleared up to assess how well your child’s kidneys are working. If these tests are necessary, your GP will discuss them with you.
A small number of children may need to be given antibiotics through a drip (a small plastic tube that sits in a vein). This will be carried out in hospital.
How to stop your baby or child from getting another UTI
- Ensure they drink plenty of fluids (water/squash, not caffeinated drinks).
- Encourage them to wee regularly.
- Take action to avoid constipation by encouraging them to eat a diet high in fibre. Fruit, vegetables and grains are high-fibre foods. Make sure they drink plenty of water and poo regularly.
- Ensure they wipe from front to back after going to the toilet (especially girls).
- Avoid giving them scented bubble baths.
- Encourage them to wear cotton underwear (avoid underwear made of synthetic fibres).
More information
Contact information
Your GP or local pharmacy
Kingston Hospital Paediatric Admin Team, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm
Kingston Hospital Paediatric Admin Team
020 8934 6403