Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
We are very sorry that you are experiencing a pregnancy loss. We understand that this is a difficult time for you.
This guide explains what happens to your pregnancy tissue in the hospital following a pregnancy loss. This information may be upsetting for you but, for many people, it is important to know now or at some point in the future.
Our staff will deal with all aspects of of your care, including the disposal of tissue, with sensitivity and respect.
About pregnancy loss
Your pregnancy loss may be the result of:
- a miscarriage, when pregnancy ends unexpectedly in the early months of pregnancy
- an ectopic pregnancy, when pregnancy develops outside the womb and cannot continue.
Tissue from an early pregnancy loss is often called ‘products of conception’.
What happens now
We examine the tissue under a microscope in the laboratory to confirm it is from a pregnancy loss and not from a molar pregnancy. A molar pregnancy is where a group of abnormal cells grow in the womb instead of a healthy foetus. If this is the cause of your miscarriage, we will contact you to explain what happens next and we offer you separate information.
If we do not contact you, please assume that your tissue is from a pregnancy loss.
What happens next
Our usual process is to send the tissue for sensitive disposal. This means incineration of collective pregnancy tissue separate from any other clinical materials. There are no ashes after this kind of disposal.
Other options
If you prefer not to have the usual sensitive disposal:
- we can arrange a hospital communal burial
- or you are welcome to make your own private arrangements.
Call the Jasmine unit (see Contacts section, below) within 2 weeks to let our staff know if you would like one of these two options instead.
If you are undecided
Contact the Jasmine Unit if:
- you are not sure what you want
- you need support to make this decision
- you would like more details.
If we do not hear from you, we will follow our usual sensitive disposal process.
Miscarriage at home
As long as you are feeling well, it is safe for you to miscarry at home. In this case, you may do what you wish with the pregnancy tissue.
If you prefer to bring the pregnancy tissue into hospital, we will then follow the process described above: laboratory testing followed by sensitive disposal or, if you prefer, communal burial.
Remembering your baby
We hold an annual Baby Memorial Service which usually takes place in the Gathering Rooms at the hospital. We will invite you to join us for reflection, poetry and music. We can also light a candle together in remembrance of your baby.
You are welcome to add an entry in our Book of Remembrance which is in the Hospital Chapel. Please ask one of the Jasmine Unit team for the request form.
Alternatively, the Miscarriage Association’s ‘Stars of Remembrance’ section provides an special online memorial space to mark the brief lives of babies who died before they were born.
More information
- Miscarriage Association
Support and information to anyone affected by the loss of a baby in pregnancy.
Helpline 01924 200799
- Mariposa Trust
An international support charity working with anyone suffering pregnancy loss.
Contact information
Jasmine Unit
020 8934 6224
(Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm)
Isabella Ward
020 8934 2303
(out of hours - when Jasmine Unit is closed)