Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Who we are and what we do
Richmond Response and Rehabilitation Team (RRRT) will:
- help people live safely at home
- prevent avoidable hospital visits and admissions
- support people returning home from hospital.
Our team is made up of nurses and health care assistants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, therapy assistants, social workers, and a dietitian.
We provide the following three services.
Short-term assessment and support planning after discharge from hospital
Discharge To Assess is a service for people leaving hospital who need some support or care at home. You will be discharged from hospital and then assessed at home or in the community. This is to avoid you having to stay in hospital for the assessment and arrangements to be made.
If you already had care in place when you were admitted to hospital, we will work with our hospital colleagues to re-start or change your level of care, depending on what you need.
Once home you will be allocated a case co-ordinator (this could be a therapist or nurse). They will do a full assessment of your situation and help you identify your goals. They may also involve other professionals and may provide you with equipment or technology to help you.
Your care co-ordinator can also advise on other services which may help you. This could include, for example, help with gardening or shopping, or befriending services.
If you need new long-term care arranged by Adult Social Care, your care needs and then your financial situation will be assessed. This will determine how much you may have to pay.
If the aim is for you to recover back to your usual ability, you may only need short-term. This might be your first time having care at home, or it might be on top of usual long-term care. Either way, you will not have to pay for this short-term care while you are actively working towards getting back to your usual ability.
For people who are suddenly unwell at home and are at risk of needing hospital care
If you become unwell in the community, we can visit you to try to prevent you needing to go into hospital. We can sometimes come within a couple of hours if it is urgent.
Our response can be triggered by you calling us directly, or a referral from your GP or nurse, the London Ambulance Service, or other community healthcare professionals.
We will monitor your vital signs, such as temperature and blood pressure, and work with your GP, as needed. We help assess and, if necessary, plan a short-term package of care for up to 5 days. We will also assess whether you will be able to get back to your usual level of abilities.
Short-term rehabilitative package of care
You may only need help at home for a few days or weeks, whilst you recover and get to a certain level of ability.
We can organise short-term care. This care is done by one of our contracted care providers. You will not have to pay for it. They will usually visit you to complete their own assessment to ensure your care plan is most helpful for you.
This care is there to help you with daily tasks such as washing and dressing, preparing food and drink, getting up and about, or taking medication. They can also help with any prescribed exercises under the guidance of our therapists. The focus is to support you to do as much as possible, safely and independently.
They can help with minor day to day domestic tasks such as washing up and taking the rubbish out. However, they cannot support with any heavy-duty housekeeping or cleaning.
Longer term support
If, together, we decide that you are going to need care in the longer term, we can help you arrange this so that there are no gaps in support.
If you want the local authority to arrange your care, you will be assessed by the Richmond Adult Social Care Team. They will decide what care and support you need. Your finances will be assessed to decide if you need to pay towards your care costs.
Who we can help
We may be able to support you:
- if you are 18 years old or more,
- and you in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and/or you have a GP in Richmond.
You can call us yourself if you would like our help, or you can be referred by a health or social care professional. Our contact details are given below.
Contact information
Teddington Memorial Hospital
Hampton Rd
TW11 0JL
Professional referrals
Professionals can make referrals through the Single Point of Access (SPA). For an urgent same-day response, you can contact us up until 6pm.
Email: hounslowandrichmond.