Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Why you have been referred to the clinic
Your GP has referred you and we will offer you an appointment within 1 to 2 weeks.
This referral system is to make sure that patients with symptoms that may be caused by a cancer are seen quickly by a specialist team.
We aim to complete all investigations within 28 days of receipt of your GP referral, so it is important that you are available and attend all appointments and investigations.
Does this mean that I have cancer?
No. More than 90% of gynaecological patients referred through this system do not have cancer. However, we want to find out what is causing your symptoms as quickly as possible so that we can work out how best to help you.
(Gynaecological cancers include cancers of the vulva, vagina, cervix, womb, fallopian tube and ovaries.)
Who you will see at the clinic
You will see a team of specialist doctors and nurses who are experienced in gynaecological cancer and led by our Gynaecology lead, one of our Senior Gynaecologists.
- You will always have a female chaperone with you during your examination.
- If you wish to be seen or examined only by a female doctor, call our administration team on the contact details at the bottom of this leaflet.
What happens at the clinic
When you arrive at the clinic you will have a consultation with a gynaecologist. They will ask you about:
- Your previous medical history
- When your symptoms began and how they affect you
- Details of any medications you are taking
We may do some blood tests. Other investigations you may have include:
- Abdominal and vaginal ultrasound scan: a vaginal ultrasound involves placing a small probe into your vagina which produces a ‘picture’ of your womb and ovaries on a monitor. The scan may be uncomfortable, but should not hurt.
- Vaginal examination: this may also include a small specimen (biopsy) being taken from your vagina or the lining of your womb. This may cause a cramp or period-like pain which may last for a short time.
- You may need to undergo further investigations on another day. These will be discussed with you during your consultation if required.
How long the appointment will last
We advise you to allow 2 to 3 hours for your consultation, investigations and treatment. The amount of time you spend in our clinic may vary depending on which tests are needed.
Your results from the clinic
- We understand that this is an anxious time for you and so you will be informed of any results as quickly as possible. These will be provided by text message or by telephone call.
- At your first appointment, you will be invited to complete a consent form for our text message results service. Ensure that the mobile number you provide is your own and the same number that is registered with your GP practice. You cannot use someone else’s mobile number for the text result service.
- The text message service is used for biopsy (histology) results. It is not used for blood tests or scan results.
- If you would prefer not to receive your results by text message you will receive a telephone call.
- We will provide more detailed results, along with blood tests and scan results, in either a letter or telephone appointment.
Follow up after the clinic
- If you need further follow up based on your symptoms or results, we will arrange this at an appropriate time.
- We will offer you a detailed discussion about the outcome of your tests and any other investigations, treatment or support, if anything further is needed.
Contact information
Kingston Hospital Gynaecology Department
Gynaecology Administrative Service: 020 8934 6407
Gynaecological Clinical Nurse: 020 8934 6326