Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Recommended links
The Falls and Bone Health team recommend the following websites for more information about preventing falls.
Advice on what to do if you are worried about having a fall.
Guide to reducing the risk of falls and injury (from Richmond's Falls and Bones Health team)
Here we explain what happens after you have been referred to the Falls and Bone Health Service.
Guide about sight loss and dementia, including a checklist on identifying sight loss and making the most of your sight (from RNIB and Alzheimer Scotland).
Guide on what changes to make at home to make it safer for people with dementia (from the Alzheimers' Society).
Guide on what the NHS should provide for people over 50 who have broken a bone after a fall (from the Royal College of Physicians explaining).
Guide on how to reduce your risk of falling (from Age UK).
Guide to preventing falls in people with learning disabilities (by Public Health England).
Contact information
Falls and Bone Health Service
Correspondent address, clinics not held here:
Whitton Health & Social Care Centre
Percy Road
To cancel or rearrange your appointment, or to discuss anything else in this leaflet
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm