About the neonatal neurodevelopmental follow up clinic

UK national guidelines recommend close developmental supervision of babies who are at risk of neurodevelopmental difficulties.

Neurodevelopment refers to brain development. This includes intellectual function, reading ability, social skills, memory, attention or focus skills.

The neonatal neurodevelopmental follow up clinic can monitor your baby’s progress. It can offer medical and developmental assistance to support your baby’s needs.

If we intervene early to tackle problems that arise, it helps us to achieve the best outcome for your baby.

Where your appointments take place

Your appointments will take place in the Children’s Outpatient department at Kingston Hospital, a short walk from the main entrance.

Why we have offered you this appointment

We have offered you this appointment because your baby was:

  • born prematurely before 32 weeks, or
  • born with a low birth weight (under 1500g), or
  • extremely sick at birth.

Who sees your baby at the clinic

We will give your baby a total of 3 appointments as outlined in the table below.

3 to 4 months 30 minute appointment with a physiotherapist
12 months 45 minute appointment with a physiotherapist
2 years 1.5 hour appointment with a paediatric consultant and a physiotherapist

 If your baby was born prematurely, we use their due date to calculate the ages at which we see them. This means that when we see your baby, they may be a little older than the age(s) set out in the table.

  • During this period your baby may have additional appointments with your named  paediatric consultant, your advanced nurse practitioners or the dietitian.

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We recommend you continue to attend these appointments. They will ensure all round care for your baby during this period.

Your first appointment

We may ask you to complete a questionnaire before your first appointment.

At your first appointment a physiotherapist will assess your baby.  This assessment will be based on:

  • visual observation
  • physical examination
  • a neurodevelopmental assessment which looks at motor (movement) skills, muscle tone, posture and movement patterns.

Once we have assessed your baby, we will either advise you to continue routine daily care or we will refer you to appropriate community services. 

We will discuss our assessment and decision with you fully.  

Your 2-year follow up appointment

When your toddler has their 2 year follow up, a physiotherapist and paediatric consultant will carry out a standard assessment. 

This will look at your toddler’s range of skills: cognitive (thought and experience), language, motor (movement), social emotional and adaptive behaviour.

This assessment will enable them to identify any developmental delays.

This ensures we can offer help, if needed, at an early stage in your child’s development.

If you cannot attend the appointment

If you are unable to attend the appointment, contact our administration team on the number on your appointment letter (and see Contacts below) to reschedule the appointment.

Contact information

If you have questions, contact the Kingston Hospital paediatric physiotherapy unit