Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Why iron is important
Iron is needed to make haemoglobin, or ‘Hb’.
Haemoglobin is found in red blood cells. It carries oxygen around your body and gives blood its red colour.
Iron is also important for building and maintaining healthy muscles and for many of the body’s functions and reactions.
Low iron levels
A lack of iron can cause symptoms such as:
- restless legs
- strange diet cravings (known as 'pica')
- brittle nails
- hair loss
- dizziness and headaches.
Low iron could also make other conditions worse.
Because iron is needed to make haemoglobin, if iron levels stay low, haemoglobin levels may fall. This is known as ‘iron deficiency anaemia’. It can cause:
- paleness
- severe tiredness
- shortness of breath
- heart palpitations,
- all the symptoms listed above.
Causes of low iron
Iron levels drop when you do not eat enough iron to match your body’s requirements.
Low iron should always be investigated if the cause is not clear, especially in men or in women after the menopause. It may be the first sign of a serious condition like bowel cancer.
Low iron occurs for four main reasons.
Increased need for iron
Children and pregnant or breast-feeding women need more iron to fuel growth.
Blood loss
This can be caused by, for example:
- heavy periods
- bowel disease, including cancer
- blood lost during an operation, childbirth or a major accident.
Reduced iron absorption
This can be caused by, for example:
- bowel diseases, such as coeliac disease
- pernicious anaemia
- some types of stomach surgery.
Lack of iron in the diet
Foods rich in iron
Eating a varied and balanced diet should give you enough iron. The following foods are particularly good sources of iron.
- Red meat, including:
- steak
- beef burger
- liver.
Note, liver is NOT recommended for pregnant women because it is too high in vitamin A.
- Fortified breakfast cereals (that is, cereals with added vitamins and iron).
- Beans and pulses, including:
- lentils
- kidney beans
- baked beans
- chickpeas, including hummus.
- Green vegetables, including:
- spinach
- broccoli.
- Nuts and seeds, including:
- almonds
- brazil nuts
- hazelnuts
- sesame seeds
- sunflower seeds
- peanut butter.
- Dried fruit, including:
- dried apricots.
- Tofu
Note: the NHS website has more about food to avoid during pregnancy.
If you do not eat meat
Iron from sources other than meat is more difficult for the body to absorb. But if you are following a well-balanced diet, you should be able to get enough iron in your food even if you do not eat meat. The NHS website has more information on a healthy vegetarian diet.
How to boost iron levels
Try to eat a well-balanced diet, especially if you are pregnant or if you are waiting for an operation.
Vitamin C (sometimes called ascorbic acid) may help the body to absorb iron. To get the most iron from the food you eat, have foods rich in vitamin C with meals. For example, fresh vegetables or fruit, or drinks such as fresh orange juice.
Avoid drinking tea and coffee for an hour before or after meals. Tannins in tea and coffee reduce iron absorption when consumed with a meal or shortly after.
Steam rather than boil green vegetables. This reduces the amount of iron and other vitamins and minerals lost during cooking.
If you are waiting for an operation and you have had low iron levels in the past, tell your healthcare professional. They can arrange a blood test to check your haemoglobin and iron levels.
Improving your iron levels may reduce the chance of you needing a blood transfusion.
Iron tablets
Most people should be able to get all the iron they need by eating a varied and balanced diet. By doing this, most should not need to take iron tablets. If your iron level is very low, your doctor may recommend you take a iron tablets.
Iron tablets should only be taken if your doctor has advised you to do so. Iron tablets can sometimes cause constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or nausea (feeling sick). Speak to your healthcare professional if you experience any side effects. They might advise:
- taking the tablets with food
- trying an alternative iron preparation
- taking the tablets less often (for example, on alternate days).
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Ask your GP or pharmacist for more on this