Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Getting ready for your surgery and anaesthetic
As soon as you know you may be having an operation, it is good to think about the important things that you can do to:
- make your operation safer
- speed up your recovery.
Click on the blue button above for advice and resources on how to become fitter and better prepared while you are waiting for or considering surgery.
You will also find information on what to expect at each stage from now until after surgery.
Overview of general anaesthesia
- You and anaesthesia
Use this link for information on:
- different types of anaesthetic
- before the operation
- discussing risks and options with your anaesthetist
- the day of the operation
- after the operation.
Information for different surgical procedures
Use these links for information on anaesthesia and different surgical procedures.
- Your spinal anaesthetic
What to expect when having surgery with anaesthesia.
- Epidural anaesthesia during and after surgery
What to expect if you choose an epidural for pain relief during and after your operation.
- Local anaesthesia for your eye operation
What to expect when you have an eye operation under local anaesthetic.
- Your anaesthetic for major surgery (with planned HDU/ITU afterwards)
What to expect when having an anaesthetic for major surgery with a stay in the higher dependency unit (HDU) or intensive care unit (ICU) afterwards.
- Peripheral nerve blocks
What to expect when you have a nerve block for an operation.
- Sedation
What sedation is, how it works, when you may need it, benefits and risks, and what it may feel like.
- Fasting before surgery
What you need to know about stopping food and drink (fasting) before an operation.
- Translations of patient information
Translations of a range of patient information.
Contact information
Pre-Operative Assessment Department
Level 4, Corridor B Main Outpatients
Kingston Hospital
Galsworthy Road