Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
About flexible cystoscopy
Cystoscopy is an inspection of the bladder and water pipe (urethra). It is done with a flexible telescope. It helps us to identify anything abnormal.
Occasionally we may take a small sample (called a 'biopsy') of your bladder at the same time.
The procedure can also be used to remove a ureteric stent (a tube which has previously been inserted up into the kidney).
If your urethra is narrow, we may need to gently stretch it to pass the telescope through.
You will usually have this procedure as an outpatient in Albany Unit in the Kingston Surgical Centre at Kingston Hospital.
Benefits of this procedure
The cystoscopy allows us to diagnose anything abnormal in the bladder or urethra. It can also be used to remove a previously inserted ureteric stent.
Alternatives to flexible cystoscopy
Alternatives to have an flexible cystoscopy are:
- a rigid cystoscopy - this needs to be performed under a general anaesthetic
- relying on observation of your symptoms to make a diagnosis.
Side effects of flexible cystoscopy
Common (greater than 1 in 10)
- Mild burning or bleeding when you pass urine for a short period afterwards.
Occasional (between 1 in 10 and 1 in 50)
- Urinary infection, requiring treatment with antibiotics.
Rare (less than 1 in 50)
- Continued bleeding afterwards, or bleeding that starts after internal scabs fall off (if biopsies have been taken). This may require removal of clots from the bladder or a further procedure to stop the bleeding.
- Injury to the urethra itself. This may lead to scar tissue which may need treatment in the future.
- Temporary urinary catheter if bleeding is heavy or you cannot pass urine. A catheter is a tube passed up the urethra and into the bladder.
- If we are planning to remove a stent and we find that there is excessive calcium build-up on it, we may need to remove it under a under general anaesthetic on a different day, instead of during the flexible cystoscopy.
What anaesthetic is used
Anaesthetic is not usually needed. However, we can insert a local anaesthetic gel into your urethra, if you need this.
What the procedure involves
During a cystoscopy, we pass a small flexible telescope into your urethra and up into your bladder to check for anything abnormal. If we take a sample or plan to remove a stent, we can also pass small instruments down the telescope.
On the day of the cystoscopy
How to collect a mid-stream urine sample
- Your urine sample should be taken after washing, bathing or showering on the day of your appointment.
- The sample does not need to be the first urine of the day.
- Unscrew the cap from the bottle and place it onto a clean surface.
- Pass a small amount of urine directly into the toilet and then stop.
- Pass a further quantity of urine directly into the bottle and then stop.
- Pass any remaining urine into the toilet.
- Do not pass urine into a separate container then transfer it.
- Fit the cap back onto the bottle.
- Wash your hands.
- Write your name, date and time on the bottle (or the label, if it has one).
If the bottle is broken, get another from your GP surgery or local pharmacy.
What happens afterwards
Once the procedure is completed, you will be allowed home straight away.
At first, you may notice a little blood in your urine. This may sting a little.
Over the next 24 hours, drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids. This is to flush your urinary system and reduce these after effects. We suggest that you try to drink 2 to 3 litres (or 4 to 6 pints) over the 24 hour period.
You may also be given a short course of antibiotics.
What to look out for
Further appointments or treatments
If we have taken biopsies during the flexible cystoscopy, we may ask you to return to our outpatient clinic approximately two weeks afterwards, or we may send you a letter explaining the results.
If you need other treatments or procedures, you will be given information about these before you leave hospital.
Who to contact
Contact details for our teams can be found below.
More information
The NHS has more information about cystoscopy.
Contact information
Albany Unit
020 8934 3184
Specialist Urology Nurse
020 8934 3547
Urodynamics Team
020 8934 3038
Clinical Nurse Specialist for Urology Oncology
020 8934 2729