Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Why we have discharged you
We have checked your symptoms and we believe it is safe for you to leave hospital.
It is unlikely that you will have further symptoms when you get home.
Symptoms to look out for at home
Look out for the following symptoms when you return home.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, go to your nearest Emergency Department (A&E) or ask someone to take you.
- Unconsciousness or lack of full consciousness. For example problems keeping your eyes open.
- Drowsiness at a time when you would normally be wide awake and this lasts for more than 1 hour.
- Problems with speaking or understanding what someone is saying to you.
- Loss of balance or problems trying to walk.
- Weakness in one or more arms or legs.
- Problems with your eyesight.
- A painful headache that won’t go away.
- Vomiting (being sick).
- Seizures (also known as convulsions or fits).
- Clear fluid coming out of your ear or nose.
- Bleeding from one or both ears.
Symptoms you can ignore at home
You may experience other symptoms which are likely to disappear within 2 weeks. These include the following:
- mild headache
- feeling sick (without vomiting)
- slight dizziness
- irritability or bad temper
- problems concentrating or problems with memory
- general tiredness or loss of energy
- problems sleeping
- lack of appetite.
When to contact your GP or call NHS 111
Contact your GP or call NHS 111 if you are worried about these symptoms during the first few days after your discharge from hospital.
Contact your GP if these symptoms do not go away after 2 weeks.
How to help your recovery
Do the following:
- make sure you have someone with you at home for the first 24 hours after leaving hospital.
- make sure you stay within easy reach of a telephone and medical help.
- get plenty of rest and try to avoid stressful situations.
Do not do the following:
- Do not play any contact sport (for example, rugby or football) for at least 3 weeks unless you talk to your doctor first.
- Do not return to your normal school, college, or work activity until you feel you have completely recovered.
- Do not take sleeping pills, sedatives, or tranquilisers (unless a doctor gives them to you).
- Do not drive a car, motorbike, bicycle or operate machinery until you feel you have completely recovered. Contact your GP if you are unsure about your recovery.
- Do not take any alcohol or drugs until you feel you have completely recovered.
More information
Contact information
Your nearest Emergency Department (A&E)