Here we explain why we test for diabetes in pregnancy, and how this ‘oral glucose tolerance test’ is done.

If you are coming in for the test, read these instructions carefully beforehand

Diabetes during pregnancy

Some women develop diabetes during pregnancy. This is called ‘gestational diabetes’. For more about this, see the box.

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It affects women who have not had diabetes before. It is caused by hormones that come from the placenta. 

Diabetes means you have high levels of sugar in your blood. It can sometimes cause complications for you and your baby if it is not treated. So, it is important to get tested for it if you are at risk.

Why test for it

We may recommend you have a blood test to check for diabetes while you are pregnant. If so, this is because you are at particular risk of developing it. 

Diabetes in pregnancy can cause complications for you and your baby if it is not treated. So, it is important to know if you are affected.

Diabetes test

The test for diabetes is called an oral glucose tolerance test (sometimes known as OGTT). It measures your body’s response to a sugary drink. 

Important instructions

The instructions given below are very important. If you do not stick to them, we will probably have to cancel the test because it will not give accurate results.
Black arrow icon.pngEmail the diabetes midwives if you have any questions.

12 hours before

No food and drink

Only water for 12 hours before

No other food or drink

Have only plain water for the 12 hours before your test.

Have no other food or drink otherwise the test results will be wrong. This includes no sweets, chewing gum or mints.

Blood test - temp image Blood test Arrive for your blood test 10 minutes early. 

A member of staff will take a blood sample from your arm.
Bottle of orange drink Sugary drink After the blood test you will be given a sugary drink. <<Drink the whole drink over the first x minutes?>>
2 hours wait

No food and drink

Rest for 2 hours

Have only water, no food or other drinks

You must then sit and rest for 2 hours.

You can rest in the waiting room, your car or other quiet place. Do not walk far. 

You must not eat or drink anything except plain water during these 2 hours.

We will tell you what time to come back for your second blood test.

Blood test - temp image Second blood test

Go back to the waiting room 10 minutes before your blood test time.

We will then take a second blood sample from your arm. 

If you are late for the test, we will have to cancel everything. You will then need to come another day and start the test process from the beginning.

sandwich Afterwards

After the test we recommend you eat something, especially if you intend to drive. 

You can buy food at the hospital, or you can bring a snack with you. 

You can then continue with your normal activities and eat and drink as normal.


The test results are not immediate.

If the test shows you have diabetes, we will telephone you within 48 hours. 

If you do not have diabetes, we will not call you. Your midwife will have your results for you at your next appointment. 

Some women will need more than one glucose tolerance test during their pregnancy. Your midwife will tell you if this is necessary.

More information

  • NHS information on gestational diabetes.
  • Contact the Diabetes Specialist Midwives (details below) if you want more information about diabetes during pregnancy, or having the test done.

Contact information

Diabetes Specialist Midwives