Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Appointment details
Social worker (name and phone):
About us
Community paediatricians are doctors who assess children’s health and development. We put the safety and needs of children first and we try to find ways to help and support their families.
We know this is a stressful time for your family. It is important to us that:
- you understand what is happening
- you and your child’s voices are listened to
- you are offered support by the right services.
Why the medical assessment is needed
A social worker or police officer requested the medical assessment due to safeguarding concerns about your child. This medical assessment includes a medical examination.
They asked a paediatrician to assess your child fully and check for any injuries or concerns about wellbeing.
Other children in the family may need to be examined.
What happens at the assessment
The doctor will explain what will happen.
- A social worker will accompany you to the assessment.
- Sometimes a police officer may come to the appointment but will not observe the examination.
- If you need an interpreter, the social worker will arrange one.
- The assessment includes a medical examination (see 'What happens during the examination' below).
- We need permission (consent) for the examination. Your child can consent if they are old enough and understands the situation.
- The doctor will speak to your child alone and then to each parent.
- Let the doctor know about any worries about your child.
- Examinations for concerns about sexual abuse are not completed by this service and would be referred elsewhere.
What they will ask about
They will ask about the following:
- your child’s health and development
- behaviour and progress at school
- family history.
During the medical examination
The doctor will give your child a full examination (top to toe). If your child has any visible injuries or marks they will note, measure and draw these in your child’s records. They will also take photographs.
A chaperone or observer may be present during the examination. Their role is to ensure that everyone in the room is comfortable.
If you do not agree to a medical examination
If you or your child do not give consent, the social worker and/or police officer will discuss this further with you.
A social worker can seek a court order giving them permission to interview or medically examine your child, without your consent.
Often young people can give consent to be examined. The doctor will talk to them and decide if they are able to do this.
After the assessment
The doctor will explain the assessment to you and your child.
The doctor will give their opinion and advice on how to help your child stay safe, happy and healthy.
The doctor will explain if tests or treatment are needed.
They will send a copy of the medical report to your child’s GP, health visitor or school nurse or healthcare professionals, social worker and police officer.
This report and the medical records or photographs may be requested as evidence in court.
If you would like to read this report, you will need to discuss this with your social worker and request to see it with them.
The assessment will take place at one of these locations
Heart of Hounslow, 92 Bath Road, Hounslow TW3 3EL
Ham Clinic, Ashburnham Road, Richmond TW10 7NF
Your journey to Ham Clinic
Address: Ashburnham Road Richmond TW10 7NF
Tel: 020 8891 8188
By bus
Route 371 stops on Ashburnham Road, which is approximately 45 meters from Ham clinic
By train
The nearest train station is Strawberry Hill, which is approximately 4.3 miles from Ham Clinic
By underground
The nearest underground station is Richmond, which is approximately 2.8 miles from Ham Clinic
By car
Onsite car park – free. Blue Badge and accessible parking bays available.
Your journey to Heart of Hounslow
Address: 92 Bath Road, Hounslow TW3 3EL
Tel: 020 3771 6000
By bus
Routes 81, 203, 222, H32, H98 and N9 stop on Bath Road, approximately 93m from Heart of Hounslow.
By train
The nearest train station is Hounslow, which is approximately 0.9 miles from Heart of Hounslow.
By underground
The nearest underground station is Hounslow Central (Piccadilly Line), which is approximately 0.4 miles from Heart of Hounslow.
By car
Onsite car park, pay and display. Payment by phone available.
Blue Badge parking bays available.