Last Updated: 15 January 2025
We recommend the following websites for information on urine catheters.
Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
Division of a tongue-tie
Children's Community Nursing Service, Richmond
Sharps disposal
Dementia support products
Dementia local community activities and support
Dementia and continence issues
Long Covid information
Cardiac rehabilitation
Diabetes information leaflets
Compression socks and stockings
Compression treatment
Getting ready for your surgery and anaesthetic
Children looked after by the local authority: health assessment information for parents
Children looked after by the local authority: health assessment information for foster carers
Children looked after: you and your health assessment
Child protection medical assessment
Teledermatology clinic
Retina virtual clinic
iStent for glaucoma
Urgent eye problems
Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO) and YAG Laser Capsulotomy
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO)
Electroencephalogram (EEG) (easy read)
Hydroxychloroquine retinopathy monitoring service
Pamela Bryant Ward (Easy Read)
This is about your barium swallow (easy read)
Changes in the last few days of life
Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies
Children attending antenatal scans
EEG (electroencephalogram)
Evoked potentials tests
Richmond support and exercise: exercise groups
Intravenous (IV) therapy in the community
Vaccinations for teenagers and younger people
Vaccinations for babies and pre-school children
Vaccination against flu
Richmond Response and Rehab Team
Starting insulin
Diabetes: eating well if you have a poor appetite
Insulin once-daily dose adjustment
Low-carb healthy meal ideas for people with diabetes
Insulin twice-daily dose adjustment
Worried about falls
Falls and Bone Health Service, what to expect
Preventing falls recommended links
Audiology appointments
Anticoagulation clinic
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
After a blood transfusion
Blood transfusion
Flexible cystoscopy (including removal of ureteric stent and biopsy, if required)
Hysteroscopy clinic
Rapid access gynaecology clinic
Therapy Services assessment: pain clinic
Patient handbook
Video appointments
Video Appointments (Paediatrics Outpatients)
Telephone appointments
Screening tests for you and your baby
Newborn hearing screening
Combined Test
Whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy
Maternity booklet: Having your baby with Kingston Maternity Team
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies
Baby movements in pregnancy
Colostrum harvesting
Induction of labour at 41 weeks and beyond: making a decision
Mental health support during pregnancy and the first year
Your Pregnancy Care booklet for Kingston Maternity
Perineal wound breakdown
Pregnancy and birth in women aged 40 or older
Pelvic floor exercises and perineal health
Vitamin K for newborn babies
Nutrition and weight in pregnancy
Bleeding or pain in early pregnancy
Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD or ‘coil’) insertion at caesarean section
Fasting before surgery
Bladder diary
Flow and residual volumes scan
Trial without catheter
Bladder instillation
Flexible cystoscopy (including bladder Botox injections)
Treatments for overactive bladder
Skin prick test
Lung nodules
Pulmonary embolism
Tuberculosis (TB)
Lung function (breathing) tests
Pleural aspiration and drainage
Postural hypotension
Iron diet sheet
Frozen shoulder
Shoulder exercises for rotator cuff tear
What to expect after an ankle fracture
Avulsion fracture of ankle bone (talus)
Lateral ankle avulsion fracture
Lateral ankle fracture (Weber A)
Ankle sprain
Broken or dislocated toe
Calf muscle stretches
Plantar fasciopathy
Achilles tendinopathy
Advice following facet joint injections
Patellar tendinopathy
Metatarsal fracture
What to expect after a wrist fracture
Physiotherapy advice for abdominal surgery
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
How to use macrogol laxatives
Reflex anoxic seizures (RAS)
Reflux in babies
Vulvovaginitis in girls
Head injury in children
Urinary tract infection (UTI) in children
Constipation in children
Cradle cap
Oral thrush in babies
Doing a milk challenge (milk ladder) at home
Syncope (fainting) in children and young people
Home phototherapy for babies with jaundice
Early (precocious) puberty in children
Tummy pain in children
Human milk fortifier for your baby
Nappy rash
Actinic keratoses (sun damaged skin patches)
Qutenza patch for pain management
Weight loss injection preparation
Bowel preparation before colonoscopy (Plenvu)
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (Picolax and a prolonged low-residue diet)
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (additional Moviprep)
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (Moviprep)
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (Picolax)
Bowel prep with enema at home
Bowel prep with enema in hospital
Advice following varicose vein surgery with local anaesthetic
Richmond support and exercise: neighbourhood networks
Medicines when having an endoscopy
Diabetes and having an endoscopy without bowel preparation
Diabetes and having an endoscopy with bowel preparation
General anaesthetic for endoscopy
Gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy
Transnasal gastroscopy
Transnasal gastroscopy without sedation
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
ERCP procedure
Practical steps when someone dies in hospital
Medicines containing animal products
Delayed puberty
Prolonged jaundice clinic
Test results from the Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU)
Flat head syndrome in babies
Febrile convulsions in children
Use of povidone iodine (PI) before intraocular procedures
Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)
Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT)
Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT)
Mole mapping service
Heart murmurs (newborns)
Acute otitis media (AOM)
Healthy eating with type 2 diabetes
Paraffin wax hand therapy
Skin grafts
Motor tics in children and young people
Fever (high temperature) in children
Short height in children
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)
Bone marrow biopsy under conscious sedation
Last days of life
Advice following injection of leg veins (sclerotherapy)
Allergic rhinitis in children
Birth after a previous caesarean: making a decision
Induction of labour, your options
Reducing pressure ulcers and cast sores
Home nut challenge
Day case coronary angiogram
Signs of premature labour
Humeral brace
Looking after your mental health after a traumatic birth
Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after birth
Kingston Healthy Weight Centre (KHWC)
Diarrhoea and vomiting (gastroenteritis) in children
HIV screening
Removal of K wires
Nasal bridle securement device
Contact lens service
Transport Services
Intravenous therapy through a PICC line at home
Pressure ulcers (pressure sores or bed sores)
Rehabilitation after your stay in intensive care
Anorexia nervosa admission information for young people, their parents and carers
Dairy free products: a guide for parents
Your child’s asthma or wheeze treatment plan
Signia Stretta hearing aid user guide
Looking after your child’s cannula at home
Stress echocardiogram
Having a pacemaker fitted
Hip screening and developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
Controlled drugs
Headaches in children
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
Physiotherapy advice for gynaecological surgery
Safe sleeping guide for babies under 1 year
Implantable loop recorders
Signia Stretta hearing aid information
Antenatal exercise and advice
Scar massage after caesarean birth
Home monitoring of your ILR device
Transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE)
Advice for carers in the first 48 hours after discharge
Bed lever
Perching stool
Kitchen trolley
Mowbray toilet seat
Buckingham caddy
Static commode
Free-standing toilet frame
Chair raisers
Bed raisers
Raised toilet seat
Falls Prevention Home Exercise Service
Selective eating in children
Call 4 Concern
Intravenous therapy through a midline at home
Plantar fasciitis
Haematology (blood) cancer: information and support
Melanoma in situ (MIS)
Sun protection and vitamin D after a melanoma diagnosis
Sensitive disposal of your pregnancy tissue
Children's day surgery department
MCUG (bladder function test)
Iron in your diet
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Prescriptions for outpatients
Probiotics for preterm infants on the neonatal unit
Biologic and biosimilar medicines for eye conditions
How are you, Dad?
Fragmin instructions
Self-care for carers
Advice for people who care for others
Skin cancer: information and support
Specialist palliative care service
Eczema in children
Breast cancer: information and support
Upper limb nerve block for use in surgery
Lung cancer: information and support
Upper GI (gastrointestinal) cancer: information and support
Colorectal cancer: information and support
Urological cancer: information and support
Gynaecology cancer: information and support
Aftercare following cast removal
Egg freezing
Advice for young carers
Soft cast removal
Neonatal neurodevelopmental follow up clinic
Psoriasis and healthy lifestyle choices
Learning Disability Liaison Team
Your child’s hearing aid system(s)
Dietary changes to prepare for weight loss surgery
Carers’ Clinical Liaison Service for unpaid carers
Multiple sclerosis service
Patient Initiated Follow-up (PIFU)
Moving from children’s audiology services to adult audiology services
Knee replacement
Hip replacement
Allergy appointments for children
Food challenges
Supervised feeds
Kingston exercise groups and classes
Thoracic (rib or breastbone) fracture management
Incentive spirometry
Sleep hygiene
Weaning your baby (complementary feeding)
Discharge Medicines Service
My first eye test at the hospital
Hospital patients with diabetes
Cancer Counselling Service
Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service
Breast care photography
Breast care photography for oncoplastic patients
Hospital prescriptions for endocrine patients
Kingston Hospital Tinnitus Support Group
Newborn jaundice
Carer's agreement
Support following a death
Care homes and the red bag
General information on varicose veins
Homecare Medicines Service
Reducing waste of medicines delivered via homecare
Head and Neck Lump Clinic
Baby feed diary and questionnaire
Discharge following orthopaedic surgery
Discharge advice for head injury patients over 16 years old
Caring for your cast
Telling your child you have cancer video guide
Skin cancer self-examination NHS video
Checking your lymph nodes NHS video
Self catheterisation
Sun protection NHS video
Prostate problems
Rheumatology conditions
Rheumatology exercise programmes
Rheumatology drug treatments
Osteoporosis drug treatments
Body image resources for parents and young people
Recreational drug misuse information for parents and young people
Anti bullying resources for parents and young people
Mental health resources for parents and young people
Arm exercises while wearing a cast
How to make a comment or complaint (easy read)
Private burial of a baby at home or on private land
Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit (POSCU)
Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies (easy read)
Dementia and learning disabilities (easy read)
Carer's agreement (easy read)
Call 4 Concern (C4C) (easy read)
Audiology services appointments (easy read)
Feedback form (easy read)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Screening in the first three months of pregnancy
Managing tasks at home using one hand
Complementary therapies and cancer
Glasses for children
Robot-assisted surgery
Macular laser treatment
Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) laser treatment
Keloid and hypertrophic scars
Iron infusion
Virtual Ward (with continuous monitoring)
Virtual Ward (without continuous monitoring)
Testing for diabetes during pregnancy
Angioplasty and stenting
Biliary drainage and stent insertion
Hickman line insertion
IVC filter insertion
Nephrostomy and antegrade ureteric stent insertion
Percutaneous fluid drainage
Percutaneous gastrostomy insertion
Percutaneous needle biopsy
Uterine artery embolisation
Varicocele embolisation
Acute oncology service
Cancer diagnosis support services
Nasogastric (NG) tube placement (adults)
Advice for people who care for someone with a learning disability or autism
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