A sigmoidoscopy is done to have a look inside the lower part of your bowel. For this, the bowel must be completely empty.

You must prepare properly

Six hours before the procedure, you will need to start ‘bowel preparation’ to empty the bowel. You will then be given an enema when you arrive at hospital to wash out your lower bowel.

6 hours before.png

6 hours before the appointment

  • Have a light meal, such as a sandwich or soup and bread.
  • Then have nothing else to eat until after the appointment.
  • Drink only clear fluids from now (see box A, below).

4 hours before.png

4 hours before

  • Stop all fluids apart from sips of water

2 hours before.png

2 hours before

  • Stop all fluids

Important instructions

The instructions given below are very important. If you do not stick to them, we will probably have to cancel the procedure because we will not be able to see inside your bowel clearly.
Black arrow icon.pngContact the endoscopy nurse helpline if you feel you cannot do the enema yourself or if you have any questions.

Having the enema

Watning circle saying No bowel prep, no procedure

You will be given an enema at the hospital when you arrive. You will need this even if you have recently opened your bowels.

An enema is a liquid that is passed into the back passage (rectum). This will make you open your bowels. It may take 30 minutes to 1 hour for the enema to be fully effective.

You will have access to a toilet in the unit whilst you are waiting. Do not worry if you do not open your bowels.

Box A

Clear fluids Avoid

green tick


  • water
  • squash
  • fizzy drinks
  • apple juice, orange juice
  • black tea or coffee (sugar is allowed)
  • Oxo/Bovril/Marmite
  • Horlicks (made with water)
  • Ovaltine (made with water)
  • hot chocolate (made with water)
  • consommé
  • lemon or lime jelly
  • sorbet (no fruit bits)

red cross


  • milk, milkshakes
  • smoothies
  • red-coloured drinks
  • fruit juice with ‘bits’
  • alcohol
  • soup
  • ice cream

Contact information

Endoscopy nurses helpline


020 8934 6614 (2pm to 4pm only)