Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
What to expect when we remove your cast
You can expect the following when we remove your cast.
- Your arm or leg has been kept in the same position while you were wearing a cast. This means that due to lack of movement, it is likely to be stiff and sore. This is normal.
- We may suggest some gentle exercises. After a few days of gentle movement this stiffness will ease and you will be able to return to normal daily activities.
Your skin may appear to be pale and dry and your hair may seem to be darker.
Do not scratch or rub your dry skin as it will be sensitive and tender.
- When your cast is removed you can start to gently wash your skin with warm water and soap. Gently pat it dry with a clean towel and apply an unperfumed moisturiser.
- After 7 to 10 days your skin is likely to be dry and healed.
Skincare following surgery
Following surgery, do not soak your arm or leg until the wound is dry and healed. Soaking can cause the skin to break down.
- After 7 to 10 days, when your skin is healed, you can soak it in warm water for up to 20 minutes. Gently pat it dry with a clean towel and apply an unperfumed moisturiser.
Pain and swelling
- You may have some pain and swelling.
- You can take painkillers to control the pain.
- If this does not help or continues, contact the Plaster Room (see Contacts section below).
Returning to normal activities
- After the cast has been taken off it will take some time before you can easily lift a glass or brush your teeth.
- Your doctor can give you some support, such as a sling, splint or boot to help you readjust to normal activities.
Do not restart contact sports until you have discussed this with your doctor.
- You can begin swimming again once the skin under your cast is dry and fully healed. This will take around 7 to 10 days. Swimming will help to move your limbs and rebuild some strength.
After we remove your cast
- We may refer you to physiotherapy or hand therapy for further rehabilitation. This will help build up strength and movement following your injury. Your doctor will discuss this with you.
- When you are discharged we will give you information on PIFU (Patient Initiated Follow Up). This will allow you to return to the orthopaedic outpatients department within 6 months for a further appointment.
More information
Kingston Hospital information on PIFU (Patient Initiated Follow Up)
Contact information
Kingston Hospital Plaster Room, Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm