Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
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Achilles tendinopathy
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: what achilles tendinopathy is, how we manage it, the treatment we may offer you, and the different options that are available to you.
Actinic keratoses (sun damaged skin patches)
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
- Plastic surgery,
Patient information: about actinic keratoses, what causes them and how they can be treated.
Acute oncology service
- Departments:
- Cancer,
Patient information: for anyone who has been referred to the Kingston Hospital Acute Oncology Service (AOS)
Acute otitis media (AOM)
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby or child with acute otitis media (AOM).
Advice following facet joint injections
- Departments:
- Pain,
Patient information: Advice following facet joint injections
Advice following injection of leg veins (sclerotherapy)
- Departments:
- Surgery ,
- Day surgery,
Patient information: what to expect after sclerotherapy for varicose veins
Advice following varicose vein surgery with local anaesthetic
- Departments:
- Surgery ,
Patient information: advice for after varicose vein surgery with local anaesthetic
Advice for carers in the first 48 hours after discharge
Patient information: advice for carers about managing first 2 days after discharge
Advice for carers of someone with a learning disability or autism
- Departments:
- Patient, family and carers services,
Patient information: this is for anyone who cares for someone with a learning disability or autism. It sets out the support and information which Kingston Hospital offers to all unpaid carers.
Advice for people who care for others
Advice for young carers
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Patient, family and carers services,
Patient information: information and tips for young carers
After a blood transfusion
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Emergency Care,
- Haematology,
- Maternity,
- Surgery ,
Aftercare following cast removal
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: looking after your limb when your cast has been removed.
Allergic rhinitis in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: allergic rhinitis and how you can help your child with their allergy.
Allergy appointments for children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for parents and carers of children and young people who are due to attend the paediatric allergy clinic. It explains what to bring with you on the day and what will happen at the appointment.
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Cardiology (heart health),
- Gastroenterology (stomach and intestine health),
- General medicine,
- Women's health - gynaecology,
- Haematology,
- Inpatient wards,
- Maternity,
- Rheumatology,
- Surgery ,
Patient information: about the different types of anaemia and what can be done
Ankle sprain
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: advice following a sprained ankle
Anorexia nervosa admission information for young people, their parents and carers
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for any young person who has been admitted to the paediatric ward for support with anorexia nervosa. This information is also useful for their parent or carer.
Antenatal exercise and advice
- Departments:
- Maternity,
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: advice and easy exercises to help keep you comfortable during pregnancy
Anti bullying resources for parents and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: the NSPCC website which offers anti bullying support for parents and young people.
Anticoagulation clinic
- Departments:
- Haematology,
Patient information: explanation of the anticoagulation clinic
Arm exercises while wearing a cast
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: for anyone who needs to exercise their injured arm while wearing a cast. It offers guidance on how to maintain movement and good circulation, and prevent stiffness while wearing a cast.
Audiology appointments
- Departments:
Patient information: What to expect at an audiology appointment and how to prepare for it
Audiology services appointments (easy read)
- Departments:
- Audiology (hearing),
- Patient, family and carers services,
- Audiology - children,
Avulsion fracture of ankle bone (talus)
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: advice following a avulsion fracture of ankle
Baby feed diary and questionnaire
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: keeping a baby feed diary and recording your baby’s food and drink habits.
Baby movements in pregnancy
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: Links to information about baby movements in pregnancy
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
Patient information:
Bed lever
Patient information: Advice about bed levers and how to fit them
Bed raisers
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: about bed raisers, when to use one and how to fit them
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for people looking after children who wet the bed.
Biologic and biosimilar medicines
- Departments:
- Pharmacy,
Patient information when considering taking biologic or biosimilar medicines.
Biologic and biosimilar medicines for eye conditions
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
- Pharmacy,
Patient information when considering taking biologic or biosimilar medicines for eye problems.
Birth after a previous caesarean: making a decision
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: a decision-aid to help you decide between birth options if you have previously had a caesarean section
Bladder diary
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
Patient information: Instructions on keeping a bladder diary to track symptoms
Bladder instillation
- Departments:
- Urogynaecology,
Patient information: What bladder instillation is and having treatment
Bleeding or pain in early pregnancy
- Departments:
- Emergency Care,
- Maternity,
Patient information: causes of bleeding or pain in early pregnancy and what to do while waiting or a scan
Blood transfusion
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Emergency Care,
- Haematology,
- Maternity,
Links to information about having a blood transfusion
Body image resources for parents and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: websites which provide body image support for parents and young people.
Bone marrow biopsy under conscious sedation
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Haematology,
Patient information: information for patients who have an appointment for a bone marrow biopsy
Bowel prep with enema at home
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: instructions for enema before sigmoidoscopy
Bowel prep with enema in hospital
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: instructions for enema before sigmoidoscopy
Bowel preparation before colonoscopy (Plenvu)
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: instructions for bowel preparation with Plenvu before colonoscopy
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (additional Moviprep)
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: instructions for bowel preparation with additional Moviprep before colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (Moviprep)
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: instructions for bowel preparation with Moviprep before colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (Picolax and a prolonged low-residue diet)
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: instructions for bowel preparation with Picolax and a prolonged low-residue diet before endoscopy
Bowel preparation before endoscopy (Picolax)
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: instructions for bowel preparation with Picolax before endoscopy
Breast cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Breast cancer,
- Breast services,
Patient information: the role and contact details for your urological Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Breast care photography
- Departments:
- Breast services,
- Plastic surgery,
Patient information: for anyone who has been referred to the breast care photography service, which is part of Kingston Hospital’s medical photography unit.
Breast care photography for oncoplastic patients
- Departments:
- Breast cancer,
- Breast services,
- Plastic surgery,
Patient information: for oncoplastic patients who have been referred to the breast care photography service. This service is part of Kingston Hospital’s medical photography unit. Oncoplasty combines breast cancer surgery with reconstructive (cosmetic) surgery.
Broken or dislocated toe
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: Advice if you have a broken or dislocated toe
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby or child with bronchiolitis.
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: what a bronchoscopy is, why you might need one and what happens during and after the procedure.
Buckingham caddy
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: what a buckingham caddy is for, how to use it and set it up
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: Guidance on making sure you and your child receive the recommended amount of calcium.
Calf muscle stretches
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: exercises to improve tight calf muscles
Call 4 Concern
- Departments:
- Patient, family and carers services,
Patient information: all about the Call 4 Concern service
Call 4 Concern (C4C) (easy read)
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Patient, family and carers services,
- Maternity,
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Cancer Counselling Service
- Departments:
- Cancer,
Patient information: how our Cancer Counselling Service can offer therapy to adults who are affected by cancer.
Cancer diagnosis support services
- Departments:
- Cancer,
Patient information: for anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer.
Cardiac rehabilitation
- Departments:
- Cardiology (heart health),
Patient information: Cardiac rehabilitation after a problem with the heart, such as a heart attack, heart surgery or stent procedure.
Care homes and the red bag
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Care home support,
- Care of the elderly,
Patient information: what the red bag is and how it is used for care home residents
Carer's agreement
- Departments:
- General information ,
Patient information: about a carer's agreement and a PDF to print out
Carer's agreement (easy read)
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Patient, family and carers services,
Carers’ Clinical Liaison Service for unpaid carers
- Departments:
- General information ,
Patient information: explanation of our service to support unpaid carers
Caring for your cast
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: for anyone who is looking after a cast fitted by Kingston Hospital.
Catheter care
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
Patient information: links to information on catheter care
Chair raisers
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: about chair raisers, when to use them and how to set them up
Changes in the last few days of life
- Departments:
- Community or District Nursing,
- End of life care,
Patient information: What typically happens as someone dies
Checking your lymph nodes NHS video
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
Patient information: NHS video guidance on how to examine yourself for signs of skin cancer.
Children attending antenatal scans
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: An explanation of why you should not bring children with you to a maternity scan
Children's day surgery department
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone whose child is having surgery at the Children’s Day Surgery department (part of the hospital’s Day Surgery Unit (DSU) building), next to the hospital car park.
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know before having a colonoscopy
Colorectal cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
Patient information: the role and contact details for your colorectal Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Colostrum harvesting
- Departments:
- Maternity,
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Colostrum harvesting is used to express and store your milk from 36 weeks gestation by hand expressing.
Combined Test
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: What you need to know about the combined screening test for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome.
Complementary therapies and cancer
- Departments:
- Cancer,
Patient information: for anyone who needs advice on choosing a complementary therapist.
Compression socks and stockings
- Departments:
- Tissue viability (skin and soft tissue wounds),
- Community or District Nursing,
Patient information: When you have been given compression stockings or socks to improve blood flow in the legs and feet
Compression treatment
- Departments:
- Tissue viability (skin and soft tissue wounds),
- Community or District Nursing,
Patient information: An introduction to compression treatment used to improve blood flow in the legs and feet
Constipation in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby or child who has, or may have, constipation.
Contact lens service
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: who can get NHS contact lenses and how
Controlled drugs
- Departments:
- Emergency Care,
- Pharmacy,
Patient information: for anyone who has been prescribed medicines known as controlled drugs.
Cradle cap
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby with cradle cap.
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a child with croup.
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
- Plastic surgery,
Patient information on cryotherapy: what it is and how it is used to remove damaged skin cells.
CT-guided lung biopsy: take-home information
- Departments:
- Radiology,
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
Patient information: What you need to know if you have been offered a cystometrogram.
Dairy free products: a guide for parents
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: guidance on suitable products to use if your child needs a dairy free diet.
Day case coronary angiogram
- Departments:
- Cardiology (heart health),
Patient information: for anyone undergoing a coronary angiogram.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- General medicine,
- Haematology,
- Inpatient wards,
- Maternity,
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Stroke and ischaemic attack,
- Surgery ,
Patient information: An explanation of leg clots, called deep vein thrombosis. This includes symptoms and how to prevent clots
Delayed puberty
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: the causes of late puberty and advice on when you should seek help for your child.
Dementia and continence issues
- Departments:
- Dementia,
- Community or District Nursing,
Patient information: Advice on how to manage continence problems for someone with dementia
Dementia and learning disabilities (easy read)
- Departments:
- Dementia,
- Patient, family and carers services,
- Care of the elderly,
Dementia local community activities and support
- Departments:
- Dementia,
- Community or District Nursing,
Patient information: Details of local communities and support for people with dementia
Dementia support products
- Departments:
- Dementia,
- Community or District Nursing,
Patient information: Suggested products to support those with dementia
Diabetes and having an endoscopy with bowel preparation
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: what you need to know about managing your diabetes if you are have bowel prep and an endoscopy
Diabetes and having an endoscopy without bowel preparation
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: what you need to know about managing your diabetes if you are having an endoscopy without bowel prep
Diabetes information leaflets
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
Patient information: Links to online information for people with diabetes
Diarrhoea and vomiting (gastroenteritis) in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a child with diarrhoea and vomiting (gastroenteritis).
Dietary changes to prepare for weight loss surgery
- Departments:
- Surgery ,
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for anyone who is preparing for weight loss surgery.
Discharge advice for head injury patients over 16 years old
- Departments:
- Emergency Care,
Patient information: for anyone aged 16 or older who has been discharged from the ED after a head injury.
Discharge following orthopaedic surgery
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: for anyone who is discharged from the orthopaedic ward after surgery.
Discharge Medicines Service
- Departments:
- General information ,
- General medicine,
- Inpatient wards,
- Pharmacy,
Patient information: how the Discharge Medicines Service links the hospital, your community pharmacist and your GP to support you
Division of a tongue-tie
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby who undergoes division of a tongue-tie.
Doing a milk challenge (milk ladder) at home
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: This gives advice on introducing dairy into your child’s diet at home.
Early (precocious) puberty in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: early puberty in children (also known as precocious puberty).
Eczema in children
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby or child with eczema.
EEG (electroencephalogram)
- Departments:
- Neurology,
Patient information: What you need to know if you have been invited to have an EEG (electroencephalogram).
Egg freezing
- Departments:
- Assisted conception,
Patient information: the process of egg freezing and storage
Electroencephalogram (EEG) (easy read)
- Departments:
- Patient, family and carers services,
- Neurology,
Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies
- Departments:
- Neurology,
Patient information: What to expect during your appointment for Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies.
Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies (easy read)
- Departments:
- Patient, family and carers services,
- Neurology,
ERCP procedure
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: what you need to know about have an ERCP
Evoked potentials tests
- Departments:
- Neurology,
Patient information: What you need to know if you have been told you need an evoked potentials test.
Falls and Bone Health Service, what to expect
- Departments:
Patient information: What happens after you have been referred to the Falls and Bone Health Service.
Fasting before surgery
- Departments:
- Anaesthetics,
- Pre-assessment,
This information covers what you need to know about stopping food and drink (fasting) before an operation.
Febrile convulsions in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a child who has a febrile convulsion.
Feedback form (easy read)
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Patient, family and carers services,
Fever (high temperature) in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby or child with a fever.
Flat head syndrome in babies
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby with flat head syndrome.
Flexible cystoscopy (including bladder Botox injections)
- Departments:
- Urogynaecology,
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
- Urological cancer,
Patient information: What a flexible cystoscopy is and what you need to know when having one
Flexible cystoscopy (including removal of ureteric stent and biopsy, if required)
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
- Urological cancer,
Patient information: What you need to know about having a flexible cystoscopy with possible stent removal or biopsy
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know before having a flexible sigmoidoscopy
Flow and residual volumes scan
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
- Urological cancer,
Food challenges
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: food challenges, and what to expect at your child’s appointment.
Fragmin instructions
- Departments:
- General medicine,
- Surgery ,
Patient information: links to instructions on injecting Fragmin
Free-standing toilet frame
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: about free-standing toilet frames, when to use one and how to set it up
Frozen shoulder
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: causes and treatment for frozen shoulder
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: explanation of the Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA) eye test
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know before having a gastroscopy
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know before having a gastroscopy and colonoscopy
Gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know before having a gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy
General anaesthetic for endoscopy
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
- Pre-assessment,
Patient information: what you need to know about having a general anaesthetic for an endoscopy
General information on varicose veins
- Departments:
- Surgery ,
- Day surgery,
Patient information: links to information on varicose veins
Getting ready for your surgery and anaesthetic
- Departments:
- Anaesthetics,
- Pre-assessment,
Patient information: Anaesthesia and what you might expect when having an anaesthetic. Details about the most common procedures and operations, and anaesthetic options.
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: causes, symptoms and exercises for greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: Link to information on Group B Streptococcus, a bacteria that can harm newborn babies
Gynaecology cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Urogynaecology,
- Gynaecological cancer,
Patient information: the role and contact details for your gynaecology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Haematology (blood) cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Haematology,
Patient information: the role and contact details for your haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Having a pacemaker fitted
- Departments:
- Cardiology (heart health),
Patient information: for anyone who is having a pacemaker fitted. It explains how to prepare for the procedure, what happens on the day and what happens after the pacemaker has been fitted.
Head and Neck Lump Clinic
- Departments:
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT),
Patient information: for anyone who has been referred to the Head and Neck Lump Clinic.
Head injury in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby or child who has a head injury.
Headaches in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a child who is experiencing headaches.
Healthy eating with type 2 diabetes
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: guidance on taking care of your diet and keeping active.
Heart murmurs (newborns)
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone who is looking after a baby or child with a heart murmur.
Hip replacement
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: link to patient information on having a hip replacement at SWLEOC
Hip screening and developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone whose baby has been referred to our Paediatric Hip Screening Clinic to check for a condition called DDH (developmental dysplasia of the hip).
HIV screening
- Departments:
- Emergency Care,
- Sexual health, HIV and contraception,
Patient information: for anyone who is having a blood test in the Kingston Hospital Emergency Department (A&E).
Home monitoring of your ILR device
- Departments:
- Cardiology (heart health),
Patient information: for anyone who uses a home monitor unit for an ILR (implantable loop recorder) device.
Home nut challenge
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for parents of infants or children who have been advised by their allergy team or health professional to introduce nuts at home.
Home phototherapy for babies with jaundice
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone who uses home phototherapy to treat a baby with jaundice.
Homecare Medicines Service
- Departments:
- Pharmacy,
Patient information: for anyone who is thinking of using the Homecare Medicines Service.
Hospital patients with diabetes
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
Patient information: controlling your diabetes while you are in hospital.
Hospital prescriptions for endocrine patients
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
Patient information: for endocrine patients who collect their hospital prescriptions from Boots pharmacy.
How are you, Dad?
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: advice for new Dads feeling low
How to make a comment or complaint (easy read)
- Departments:
- General information ,
How to use macrogol laxatives
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Children's community nursing,
Patient information: how macrogol laxatives should be used by children and young people
Human milk fortifier for your baby
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for parents of infants who have been recommended to use human milk fortifier by the neonatal team.
Humeral brace
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: guidance on looking after your humeral brace.
Hydroxychloroquine retinopathy monitoring service
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: Why we have offered you an eye examination and what to expect during and afterwards.
Hysteroscopy clinic
- Departments:
- Women's health - gynaecology,
- Hysteroscopy,
Information on the tests and treatment options available at the hysteroscopy clinic and how you need to prepare.
Implantable loop recorders
- Departments:
- Cardiology (heart health),
Patient information: explains why we have recommended an implantable loop recorder for you, and how it will be fitted.
Incentive spirometry
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: for anyone who uses an incentive spirometer.
Induction of labour at 41 weeks and beyond: making a decision
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: A decision aid for parents considering an induction of labour at 41 weeks of pregnancy or more
Induction of labour, your options
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: Link to a booklet explaining your options when considering an induction of labour
Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD or ‘coil’) insertion at caesarean section
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: benefits, risks and alternatives to having a coil fitted at caesarean section
Intravenous (IV) therapy in the community
- Departments:
- Intravenous (IV) therapy,
Patient information: Having intravenous (IV) treatment at home
Intravenous therapy through a midline at home
- Departments:
- Anaesthetics,
- Pain,
Patient information: for anyone who requires intravenous therapy through a midline at home.
Intravenous therapy through a PICC line at home
- Departments:
- Anaesthetics,
- Pain,
Patient information: for anyone who requires intravenous therapy through a PICC line at home.
Iron diet sheet
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: This is for anyone who wants to know how much iron they need in their diet and which foods are good sources of iron.
Iron in your diet
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Cardiology (heart health),
- Gastroenterology (stomach and intestine health),
- General medicine,
- Women's health - gynaecology,
- Haematology,
- Inpatient wards,
- Rheumatology,
- Surgery ,
Patient information: symptoms and causes of low iron, and what to eat to improve it
Iron infusion
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Haematology,
- Maternity,
- Same Day Emergency Care,
Patient information: what you need to know about having an iron infusion
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Departments:
- Gastroenterology (stomach and intestine health),
Patient information: recommended links for more advice on irritable bowel syndrome
iStent for glaucoma
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: Having an iStent for the treatment of open angle glaucoma
Keloid and hypertrophic scars
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
- Surgery ,
For anyone who thinks they may have a keloid or hypertrophic scar.
Kingston exercise groups and classes
- Departments:
- Dementia,
- General information ,
- Inpatient wards,
- Neurology,
- Physiotherapy ,
- Day surgery,
- Pre-assessment,
- Care of the elderly,
- Pain,
Patient information: gentle exercises, social sports clubs and hobbies to keep you moving.
Kingston Healthy Weight Centre (KHWC)
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
- Surgery ,
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for anyone who is considering weight loss surgery or use of weight loss medicines through KHWC.
Kingston Hospital Tinnitus Support Group
- Departments:
- Audiology (hearing),
Patient information: tinnitus and how the Kingston Hospital Tinnitus Support Group can help you.
Kitchen trolley
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: what a kitchen trolley is for, how to use it and set it up
Knee replacement
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: link to patient information on having a knee replacement at SWLEOC
Last days of life
- Departments:
- General information ,
- End of life care,
Patient information: what usually happens and the care we give when someone is believed to be in the last days and hours of their life
Lateral ankle avulsion fracture
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: advice following a lateral ankle avulsion fracture
Lateral ankle fracture (Weber A)
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: advice following a Weber A lateral ankle fracture
Long COVID information
- Departments:
Patient information: Links to useful resources for anyone with long Covid
Looking after your child’s cannula at home
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone who is looking after their child’s cannula at home.
Looking after your mental health after a traumatic birth
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: advice on coping with the impact on your mental health after a traumatic birth
Lung cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Respiratory medicine,
Patient information: the role and contact details for your urological Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Lung function (breathing) tests
- Departments:
- Respiratory medicine,
Patient information: different types of lung function breathing tests.
Lung nodules
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Respiratory medicine,
Patient information: Links to information on lung nodules, a common ‘incidental‘ finding after a CT scan or chest X-ray.
- Departments:
- Community or District Nursing,
Patient information: A guide about lymphoedema for patients and carers
Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service
- Departments:
- Cancer,
Patient information: the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service.
Macular laser treatment
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: how we use macular laser treatment, and what to expect from this treatment.
Maternity booklet: Having your baby with Kingston Maternity Team
- Departments:
- Maternity,
MCUG (bladder function test)
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Urology,
Patient information: the MCUG test and how we use it to examine your child’s bladder.
Medicines containing animal products
- Departments:
- Pharmacy,
Patient information: some common medicines which may contain animal products or may be derived (sourced) from animal products.
Medicines when having an endoscopy
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know about taking medicines when you are having an endoscopy
Melanoma in situ (MIS)
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
Patient information: for anyone who has been diagnosed with melanoma in situ (MIS).
Mental health resources for parents and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: websites which provide mental health support for parents and young people.
Mental health support during pregnancy and the first year
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: anxiety and depression NHS services during and after pregnancy
Metatarsal fracture
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: Advice if you have a small break to one of the bones in the front of your foot
Mole mapping service
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
Patient information: for anyone who has been referred to the mole mapping service, which is part of Kingston Hospital’s medical photography unit.
Motor tics in children and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone who needs advice on motor tics.
Moving from children’s audiology services to adult audiology services
- Departments:
- Audiology (hearing),
- Audiology - children,
Patient information: for teenagers and young adults who are about to start moving over to the adult audiology service. It prepares you for the adult audiology service and supports you through the move from secondary school to university or employment.
Mowbray toilet seat
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: about a Mowbray toilet seat, how to use it and set it up
Multiple sclerosis service
- Departments:
- Neurology,
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS),
Patient information: about the multiple sclerosis service
My first eye test at the hospital
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for you to read through with your child before their appointment in the eye clinic so they know what to expect when they arrive.
Nappy rash
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby with nappy rash.
Nasal bridle securement device
- Departments:
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for patients and their families on the nasal bridle device that is used to secure nasal tubes.
Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT)
- Departments:
- Tissue viability (skin and soft tissue wounds),
Patient information: for anyone who has been recommended to use negative pressure wound treatment (NPWT) as part of their wound treatment. It will help you decide if NPWT is the right treatment for you.
Neonatal neurodevelopmental follow up clinic
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone whose baby has been referred to the neonatal neurodevelopmental follow up clinic.
Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: the YoungMinds website which offers neurodiversity support for parents and young people.
Neurodiversity information for parents and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: the YoungMinds website which offers neurodiversity support for parents and young people.
Newborn hearing screening
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: Screening for hearing loss in newborn babies
Newborn jaundice
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone who thinks their baby might have newborn jaundice.
Nutrition and weight in pregnancy
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: Link to NHS advice on what to eat when pregnant and on limiting weight gain
- Departments:
- Rheumatology,
Patient information: osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis drug treatments
- Departments:
- Rheumatology,
Patient information: for anyone who requires information about drug treatments which are available for osteoporosis.
Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT)
- Departments:
- OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy),
- Pharmacy,
Patient information on the OPAT service.
Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Unit (POSCU)
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Pamela Bryant Ward (Easy Read)
- Departments:
Patient information: Getting to know the Pamela Bryant ward area.
Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) laser treatment
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: how we use panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) and what to expect with this treatment.
Paraffin wax hand therapy
- Departments:
Patient description: for anyone coming to the Occupational Therapy department to have paraffin wax therapy on their hands.
Patellar tendinopathy
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: advice and treatment of patellar tendinopathy
Patient handbook
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Patient handbook,
- Inpatient wards,
- Patient handbook (your stay in hospital),
Patient information: Everything you need to know when an inpatient at Kingston hospital
Patient Initiated Follow-up (PIFU)
- Departments:
- General information ,
Patient information: explanation of the patient initiated follow-up (PIFU)
Pelvic floor exercises and perineal health
- Departments:
- Maternity,
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: Protecting your pelvic region during and after pregnancy
Perching stool
Patient information: how to set up and use a perching stool
Perineal wound breakdown
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: What to do if your stitches come loose after birth
Physiotherapy advice for abdominal surgery
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
- Surgery ,
- Pre-assessment,
Patient information: An exercise guide for people who are having abdominal surgery.
Physiotherapy advice for gynaecological surgery
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
- Surgery ,
- Pre-assessment,
Patient information: an exercise guide for women who are having abdominal (tummy) or vaginal surgery.
Plantar fasciitis
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: what plantar fasciitis is, symptoms, causes and treatment
Plantar fasciopathy
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: exercises to help plantar fasciopathy
Pleural aspiration and drainage
- Departments:
- Respiratory medicine,
Patient information: for those having a pleural aspiration or drainage
Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO) and YAG Laser Capsulotomy
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: For cataract surgery patients who have developed a condition called posterior capsular opacification (PCO). It explains how we treat it with YAG laser capsulotomy.
Postural hypotension
- Departments:
- General medicine,
- Physiotherapy ,
- Care of the elderly,
Patient information: information on the causes of postural hypotension, the symptoms and what can help
Practical steps when someone dies in hospital
- Departments:
- End of life care,
Patient information: advice for families, friends and carers of people who have died in Kingston Hospital
Pregnancy and birth in women aged 40 or older
Patient information: the additional care given to pregnant women aged 40 and above
Prescriptions for outpatients
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Pharmacy,
Patient information: how to get your prescription medicines if you are an outpatient
Pressure ulcers (pressure sores or bed sores)
- Departments:
- Tissue viability (skin and soft tissue wounds),
Patient information: for people who have pressure ulcers, or who are at risk of developing them, while they are in hospital. Also for anyone who cares for somebody who has a pressure ulcer or who may be at risk of developing one.
Preventing falls recommended links
Patient information: Recommended links for preventing falls
Private burial of a baby at home or on private land
- Departments:
Probiotics for preterm infants on the neonatal unit
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for parents whose babies are eligible to receive probiotics as part of their treatment while they are on the neonatal unit.
Prolonged jaundice clinic
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone whose baby has been referred to our Prolonged Jaundice Clinic by their GP or midwife.
Prostate problems
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
Patient information: Links to information on prostate problems
Psoriasis and healthy lifestyle choices
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
Patient information: guidance on making healthy lifestyle choices if you have psoriasis.
Pulmonary embolism
- Departments:
- Emergency Care,
- Haematology,
- Respiratory medicine,
Patient information: What a pulmonary embolism is and how it affects you, including symptoms and treatment
Qutenza patch for pain management
- Departments:
- Pain,
Patient information: for anyone who has been prescribed pain management treatment with a Qutenza patch.
Raised toilet seat
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: about raised toilet seats, when to use one and how to set it up
Rapid access gynaecology clinic
- Departments:
- Women's health - gynaecology,
Information about your appointment at our Rapid Access Gynaecology Clinic. Advice on the services we offer and what to expect when you come to our clinic.
Recreational drug misuse information for parents and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: websites which provide support and information on recreational drug misuse for parents and young people.
Reducing pressure ulcers and cast sores
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: for anyone who has had a cast fitted by Kingston Hospital. It offers guidance on reducing pressure ulcers and cast sores.
Reducing waste of medicines delivered via homecare
- Departments:
- Pharmacy,
Patient information: for anyone who has medicine(s) delivered to them via homecare.
Reflex anoxic seizures (RAS)
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: how to look after a baby or child who is experiencing reflex anoxic seizures (RAS).
Reflux in babies
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby who has, or may have, reflux.
Rehabilitation after your stay in intensive care
- Departments:
- Inpatient wards,
Patient information: how we can help you recover and return to your everyday activities following time in intensive care (ICU).
Removal of K wires
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: for anyone whose child is having K wires removed from their plaster cast.
Retina virtual clinic
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: What to expect during and after your retina virtual clinic appointment.
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO)
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: An explanation of retinal vein occlusion. It includes what causes it, how we investigate it and how we treat it.
Rheumatology conditions
- Departments:
- Rheumatology,
Patient information: for anyone who requires information about rheumatology conditions.
Rheumatology drug treatments
- Departments:
- Rheumatology,
Patient information: for anyone who requires information about drug treatments available for rheumatology conditions.
Rheumatology exercise programmes
- Departments:
- Rheumatology,
Patient information: rheumatology exercise programmes.
Richmond Response and Rehab Team
- Departments:
- Richmond Response and Rehabilitation Team,
Patient Information on the Richmond Response and Rehab Team (RRRT)
Richmond support and exercise: exercise groups
- Departments:
- Dementia,
- General information ,
- Patient, family and carers services,
- Inpatient wards,
- Physiotherapy ,
- Surgery ,
- Pre-assessment,
- Community or District Nursing,
Patient information: Richmond-based exercise groups and classes to help people stay active. Covers Barnes, East Sheen, Kew, Hampton, Richmond, Teddington, Twickenham and Whitton
Richmond support and exercise: neighbourhood networks
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Patient, family and carers services,
- Inpatient wards,
- Physiotherapy ,
- Surgery ,
- Pre-assessment,
Patient information: neighbourhood care organisations that offer advice and support across the borough of Richmond upon Thames.
Robot-assisted surgery
- Departments:
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT),
- Women's health - gynaecology,
- Surgery ,
- Urology,
- Bowel (Lower Gastrointestinal) cancer,
- Gynaecological cancer,
Patient information: general information about having robot-assisted surgery
RSV vaccine for pregnant women
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: Links to more information about having the RSV vaccine during pregnancy
Safe sleeping guide for babies under 1 year
- Departments:
- Maternity,
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a baby under 1 year old. It contains evidence-based advice on the safest way for your baby to sleep.
Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)
- Departments:
- Emergency Care,
Patient information: About the SDEC service and what you need to know
Scar massage after caesarean birth
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: how to massage your caesarean scar to break up scar tissue and improve recovery
Screening tests for you and your baby
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Information on screening tests offered by GOV.UK and NHS England.
- Departments:
- Emergency Care,
Patient information: for patients who undergo sedation.
Selective eating in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for anyone who supports children with selective eating.
Self catheterisation
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
Patient information: Links to information on self catherisation
Self-care for carers
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Patient, family and carers services,
- General medicine,
- Inpatient wards,
Patient information: where carers can find support and help
Sensitive disposal of your pregnancy tissue
- Departments:
- Women's health - gynaecology,
Patient information: what happens to your pregnancy tissue in the hospital following a pregnancy loss
Sharps disposal
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
Patient information: Information on sharps disposal for residents of Richmond and Kingston boroughs.
Short height in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: on short height (also known as short stature) in children. Short height is common, but it can be worrying for parents and young people.
Shoulder exercises for rotator cuff tear
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information on exercises for rotator cuff injury
Signia Stretta hearing aid information
- Departments:
- Audiology (hearing),
Patient information: your Signia Stretta hearing aid.
Signs of premature labour
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: Signs of labour and what to do before 37 weeks
Skin cancer self-examination NHS video
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
Patient information: NHS video guidance on how to examine yourself for signs of skin cancer.
Skin cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
- Skin cancer,
Patient information: the role and contact details for your gynaecology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Skin grafts
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
- Plastic surgery,
Patient information: for anyone who is going to have a surgical procedure that has been recommended by the Kingston Hospital Dermatology and Plastics team. Your plastic surgeon will discuss with you the type of procedure they think is best for you.
Skin prick test
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Guidance on skin prick tests, which are used to help diagnose allergies.
Sleep hygiene
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT),
- Physiotherapy ,
- Respiratory medicine,
- Surgery ,
- Pre-assessment,
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for any adult who attends the Kingston Hospital Sleep Clinic.
Soft cast removal
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
Patient information: step-by-step advice on how to remove your child’s soft cast.
Specialist palliative care service
- Departments:
- End of life care,
Patient information: about the Palliative Care Service
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
Patient information: treatment of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).
Static commode
- Departments:
- Occupational therapy - children ,
Patient information: what a static commode is for, how to use it and set it up
Stress echocardiogram
- Departments:
- Cardiology (heart health),
Patient information: for anyone who is having a stress echocardiogram.
Sun protection and vitamin D after a melanoma diagnosis
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
Patient information: how to protect your skin after a diagnosis of melanoma (skin cancer). It also offers advice on how to make sure you get enough vitamin D.
Sun protection NHS video
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Dermatology,
Patient information: NHS video guidance on how to examine yourself for signs of skin cancer.
Supervised feeds
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: supervised feeds, and what to expect at your child’s appointment.
Support following a death
- Departments:
- General information ,
- End of life care,
Patient information: When to get free support if you would like to talk to someone after a death
Syncope (fainting) in children and young people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: guidance on the causes of syncope (fainting) in children and on lifestyle changes that can help to prevent it.
Teledermatology clinic
- Departments:
- Dermatology,
Patient information: An explanation for anyone with 1 or 2 skin lesions who has been referred to the teledermatology clinic by their GP.
Telephone appointments
- Departments:
- Appointment information ,
A telephone appointment is the same as a face-to-face appointment, but conducted over the phone instead of at the hospital or community clinic.
Telling your child you have cancer video guide
- Departments:
- Cancer,
Patient information: NHS video guidance on how to tell your child you have cancer.
Test results from the Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU)
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for parents and carers who are waiting for their child’s test results from the Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU).
Testing for diabetes in pregnancy
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: testing for diabetes in pregnancy, why it is done and how
Therapy Services assessment: pain clinic
- Departments:
- Pain,
Information for patients who have been referred for an assessment at the Therapy Service within the Pain Clinic.
This is about your barium swallow (easy read)
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
- Patient, family and carers services,
Thoracic (rib or breastbone) fracture management
- Departments:
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: managing your thoracic (rib or breastbone) fracture.
Transnasal gastroscopy
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know before having a transnasal gastroscopy
Transnasal gastroscopy without sedation
- Departments:
- Endoscopy,
Patient information: What you need to know before having a transnasal gastroscopy without sedation
Transoesophageal echocardiogram (TOE)
- Departments:
- Cardiology (heart health),
Patient information: for anyone who is having a TOE procedure.
Transport Services
- Departments:
- Transport services,
Patient information: hospital transport, arranging transport, help with travel costs and visitor parking
Treatments for overactive bladder
- Departments:
- Urogynaecology,
Patient information: About overactive bladder and treatment options
Trial without catheter
- Departments:
- Urology,
- Urodynamics,
Patient information: what you need to know when removing a catheter to check if you can pass urine normally
Tuberculosis (TB)
- Departments:
- Respiratory medicine,
Patient information: An explanation of TB, what to expect at the clinic and tests you may have
Tummy pain in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a child with abdominal (tummy) pain.
Understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after birth
Patient information: Understanding your reaction to a traumatic birth and what might help
Upper GI (gastrointestinal) cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Gastroenterology (stomach and intestine health),
Patient information: the role and contact details for your upper GI Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Upper limb nerve block for use in surgery
- Departments:
- Anaesthetics,
- Surgery ,
- Pre-assessment,
- Pain,
Patient information: nerve block and how it is used for arm and shoulder surgery.
Urgent eye problems
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: where to get advice if you have an urgent eye problem in the Kingston area
Urinary tract infection (UTI) in children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone who thinks their baby or child may have a urinary tract infection (UTI).
Urological cancer: information and support
- Departments:
- Cancer,
- Urology,
Patient information: the role and contact details for your urological Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS).
Use of povidone iodine (PI) before intraocular procedures
- Departments:
- Ophthalmology,
Patient information: why we use povidone iodine (PI) before intraocular procedures.
Vaccination against flu
- Departments:
- General medicine,
- Children's community nursing,
- Immunisations - children and young people,
Patient information: Links to information on the flu vaccine
Vaccinations for babies and pre-school children
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Children's community nursing,
- Immunisations - children and young people,
Patient information: Links to information on vaccinations for babies and pre-school children
Vaccinations for teenagers and younger people
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Children's community nursing,
- Immunisations - children and young people,
Patient information: Links to information on vaccinations for teenagers and younger people
Video appointments
- Departments:
- Appointment information ,
Patient information: What you need to know if you have been offered an outpatient appointment by video or phone.
Video Appointments (Paediatrics Outpatients)
- Departments:
- General information ,
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: what you need to know about having a video outpatient appointment with the paediatric team
Vitamin K for newborn babies
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Patient information: for everyone with a newborn baby. It explains why it is important for every baby to receive vitamin K soon after birth.
Vulvovaginitis in girls
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: for anyone looking after a young girl with vulvovaginitis.
Weaning your baby (complementary feeding)
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: guidance on weaning your baby.
Weight loss injection preparation
- Departments:
- Diabetes, endocrinology and renal,
- Nutrition and dietetics,
Patient information: for anyone who is considering using weight loss injections through the Kingston Healthy Weight Centre (KHWC).
What to expect after a wrist fracture
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: advice after a wrist fracture, whether you've had an operation or not
What to expect after an ankle fracture
- Departments:
- Orthopaedics (bone and muscle health),
- Physiotherapy ,
Patient information: Exercises and what to expect after an ankle fracture
Whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy
- Departments:
- Maternity,
NHS information on how to protect your baby with the whooping cough vaccination
Worried about falls
- Departments:
Patient information: Advice for people worried about having a fall
Your child’s asthma or wheeze treatment plan
- Departments:
- Paediatrics (babies, children and young people),
Patient information: managing your child’s future asthma symptoms and how to notice and manage any future asthma attacks.
Your child’s hearing aid system(s)
- Departments:
- Audiology (hearing),
- Audiology - children,
Patient information: to help you manage the daily use, care and maintenance of your child’s hearing aid system(s).
Your Pregnancy Care booklet for Kingston Maternity
- Departments:
- Maternity,
Essential information and helpful tips and hints throughout your pregnancy (antenatal), through birth, and after you have given birth (post-natal).