Kingston Hospital’s maternity team held an interactive event on Thursday 18 April to listen to and improve the experiences of birthing families, particularly families from diverse backgrounds.

The event, called "Whose Shoes?", was held at the Richard Mayo Centre in Kingston. Participants took part in an interactive board game to promote listening, learning and collaboration between those who use our maternity service and our healthcare professionals.

Over 40 people attended the event, including local people who use Kingston Hospital’s maternity unit, as well as midwives, support workers, student midwives, administration staff, anaesthetists, obstetricians, sonographers, and neonatal staff.

Participants shared their views and everything was captured in a large mural. Organisers heard how important it is to be open to cultural diversities surrounding the pregnancy and childbirth journey, and the importance of being an ally and being curious. The feedback will be used to make improvements to the maternity unit.

One pledge was to progress with the implementation of the virtual translator for non-English speaking service users. All participants made a bespoke pledge which will be followed up and actioned.

Sam Frewin, Transformation Lead Midwife at Kingston Hospital, said: “Our Whose Shoes? event was an important opportunity to hear about the experience of families who use our maternity services, particularly those from diverse backgrounds. We are focused on ensuring we are as inclusive as possible in our unit, and it’s vital we hear regularly from service users to make sure we’re on the right track.”